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The Subtle Sin of Ergocentricity

Surely the needs of my ministry trump yours ...
The Subtle Sin of Ergocentricity

From around the corner I heard raised voices.

"Don't your kids do anything but play basketball?" It was our women's leader, not normally shrill of voice. "Surely you know we're preparing for a missions banquet. We expect to raise $10,000 for an orphanage in Zaire. Our banquet has priority over a silly basketball game!"

"This is no silly basketball game!" countered the youth leader. "We've been planning this for two months. I've got a Christian pro basketball player coming to speak. We're expecting more than fifty non-Christian teenagers to be here. What do we communicate to teens if we cancel an opportunity to evangelize here so we can send money to Africa?"

There they were, two department heads in the same church, both genuinely loving the same Lord and trying to serve him, yet both shouting at each other. Through an office error, both had received approval to use the gym on the same evening.

Their arguments interested ...

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