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The following resources deal with the church as a caring community. Some deal with care for individuals or specific needs, while others concern the ideals of true fellowship.

Augsburger, David. Caring Enough to Confront. Ventura, Calif.: Regal, 1973. A fine resource for encouraging accountability.

Augsburger, David. When Caring Is Not Enough. Ventura: Regal, 1983. Others in this series are also excellent in fellowship building: Caring Enough to Forgive/Not Forgive and Caring Enough To Hear and Be Heard.

Baker, Don. Pain's Hidden Purpose. Portland, Oreg.: Multnomah, 1984. Good for building compassion as well as for counseling the suffering.

Bergmann, Mark and Elmer Otte. Engaging the Aging in Ministry. St. Louis: Concordia, 1981. Understanding the older members and incorporating them into fellowship and service.

Bolt, Martin and David G. Myers. The Human Connection. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 1984. How people change people.

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Life Together. New York: Harper & Row, ...

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