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Winter 1983: Church Health

Volume 4

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In this Issue
A Time for Holy Disatisfaction
After six decades of ministry, an eminent churchman assesses the health of the body of Christ.
The Quality Church (Part 1)
Leadership begins a search for the parameters of faithfulness
Church Health
Burning Out, Rusting Out or Holding Out?
Ministers, like motors, needn't die of overactivity or inactivity. A little maintenance will keep them running for the long haul.
Ten Conditions for Church Growth
The blossoming of a church depends on more than one kind of nutrient.
The Number Game: A Threat to Churches Large & Small
In churches, like human bodies, not all growth is healthy.
Helping Troubled Churches
A church in pain needs a specialist who can restore good health.
Bacteria in the Body
Bacteria in the Body
How can we build strong churches when we keep attracting weak, even unhealthy, people?
How to Keep a Youth Minister
Pastors of high schoolers don’t need to graduate each June.
Martin Marty sifts the books that have had a lasting effect.
Using electronic media in worship
Ministering Undercover: A Survey of Church Librarians
Pens outmuscle swords, and books can help people in ways sermons cannot. Here are six secrets of developing a library that ministers.
Reflecting on a Long Pastorate
Fifteen years in the sme church bring many facets -- and many rewards.
Discipline the Backbone of the Church
A spineless body has trouble standing up for anything.
The Salt, not the Honey, of the World
When healthy, the body of Christ doesn't have to be in the majority, but it must make its presence felt in the world.
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