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Making Truth Memorable

Some illustrations reach the entire congregation.
Making Truth Memorable

In a sermon entitled "God's Ways Are Unreasonable," missionary professor Del Tarr uses a powerful illustration from West Africa (where he served fourteen years with the Assemblies of God) to illumine Psalm 126:5-6: "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him."

I grew up in a preacher's home in the little towns of Minnesota and South Dakota. I spent most of my free time with the deacons' kids on John Deere tractors, International Harvesters, Cases, Minneapolis-Molines. I learned how to drill oats, plant corn, and cultivate. And never once did I see a deacon behave like Psalm 126 says. What was there to weep about at sowing time?

I was always perplexed by this Scripture … until I went to the Sahel, that vast stretch of savanna more than 4,000 miles wide just under the Sahara Desert, with a climate much like the Bible lands. In the Sahel, all ...

From Issue:Spring 1983: The Sermon
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