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Even when you aren't speaking, people in the pew get a message.

In my thirty-three years as a pastor's daughter, ten as a pastor's wife, I've observed hundreds of worship services. I love the church and get excited about corporate worship. So as I've studied performing arts for over a decade and been involved in acting, writing, and directing for the stage, I couldn't help noticing that some basic lessons of theater might help the worship hour I love.

Of course, there are differences between actors and worship leaders. The world of stage performing calls attention to itself. In the church, we are in the business of glorifying God, calling attention to him. We use the same tools that actors use-voice, movement, timing, progression of thought-but we are more than mere attention getters. We have the Holy Spirit to empower us. When we sing or speak in our own power, we are guilty of being mere entertainers and making our congregation an audience. But if we speak for God and through God, he will be glorified, and the congregation can participate, better ...

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