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Winter 1982: The Devotional Life

Volume 3

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In this Issue
What is Depression?
Different facets of a common struggle
Gifts and Growth
A case study
A Conversation With Paul Rees
A beloved churchman discusses how a healthy devotional life should bear fruit in our relationship with others.
The Central Work of Prayer
Prayer is the first thing we talk about but the last thing we do.
Hearing God's Voice and Obeying His Word
A dialogue with Richard Foster and Henri Nouwen
Depression in the Clergy
Pastors suffer from depression at about the same frequency as the general population—and two to four percent of the general population suffer from depression at any one time.
What I Learned About Rurban Ministry
What I Learned About Rurban Ministry
A pastor on the rural-urban fringe talks about the challenges of pastoring small churches.
Influencing Others to Pray
The influences that led one man to a deeper devotional life.
A Day in The Life of a Paraclete
The Servants of the Paraclete is a counseling service in St. Louis, Missouri, where priests suffering from burn-out go for guidance.
Older, But Never Old
Getting older is like racing in the Indianapolis 500. The last 10 miles are what the first 490 are all about.
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