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Time For Things That Matter

Time management for church leaders

Every year since 1970, Ted Engstrom and Ed Dayton have traveled to various cities to hold two-day "Managing Your Time" seminars for pastors and church leaders. To date they've done over 100 of them.

Although the seminars are sponsored by World Vision, where both Ted (executive director) and Ed (vice president for missions and evangelism) work, they view the seminars primarily as a hobby. "We enjoy doing them," says Ed, "and are convinced of their importance. The seminars are based on the concept that if you can't manage yourself, then you can't manage anything else."

Ted Engstrom graduated from Taylor University, was editorial director and general manager of Zondervan Publishing House, and became president of Youth for Christ International before joining World Vision International in 1963.

Ed Dayton graduated from New York University and worked as an engineer with Lear Siegler before joining World Vision in 1967.

From Issue:Spring 1982: Time
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