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Do You Have The Time?

The Christian's response to time is quite different from the non-Christian's.

I should begin with a disclaimer. I am not against time management … I think. I make out schedules and keep to them fairly steadily. I own a pocket Day-Timer, one page per day, complete with little yellow insert pages headed TO BE DONE TODAY. Last year I even got around to reading that book on time management I had no time to read for so long. You could even say that time management changed my life. As a sophomore in high school, I had been placed in an accelerated academic program on the basis of my aptitude test scores. Within a few months of being involved in this more rigorous academic regime, along with interscholastic sports and church activities, I found myself on the verge of flunking out. I just couldn't seem to find time to get everything done. A teacher suggested that I make out a schedule and plan my time in blocks for study, sports, church, sleep, meals, recreation, and whatever else. It worked. Who knows, I may never have gone to college and then to seminary had I ...

From Issue:Spring 1982: Time
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