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The Passover Potluck

Returning meaning to the communion service.

When a jeweler displays a fine diamond, he often puts it on black velvet. There, it catches fire from the lights of the room, its beauty is multiplied, and its value becomes more apparent.

The Lord's Supper is like that diamond. Sometimes it needs to be pried from traditional settings and thrown against the black velvet of the blackest night in history: the night it was instituted-the night before Christ was crucified.

Although the dinner commemorates the Passover-the release of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage-it is a teaching service and need not be limited to the Passover/Easter season. The early church had its "love feasts" regularly. Acts 2:42 (NASB) says the early Christians were "continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayers. "

The Young Couples Sunday school class of Evergreen Bible Church, Vancouver, Washington, involved their congregation in a Passover supper during an evening service. As the dinner progressed, ...

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