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Summer 1981: Preaching & Worship

Volume 2

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In this Issue
The Sweet Torture of Sunday Morning
Leadership's Top 40: #39
The Sweet Torture of Sunday Morning
An interview with Gardner C. Taylor
Your Preaching Is Unique
Your Preaching Is Unique
Preaching is not what we do; it's what we are.
Aeration: Keeping A Lilt In Life
Four attitudes that will help keep joy in the Christian life.
Ten Preachers Talk about Sermon Illustrations
Knowing where to look for good sermon illustrations can make an important difference in your preaching. Ten well-known preachers share their resources.
Worship as Performance
The difference between a biblical and a pagan understanding of worship lies in the difference between a verb and a noun.
An Invitation to the Spiritual Life
Through the disciplines of solitude and community, we can begin to remove the many obstacles that prevent us from listening to God's voice.
Herschel H. Hobbs shares some thoughts on books and reading.
The Unbusy Pastor
The Unbusy Pastor
The word busy is the symptom not of commitment but of betrayal.
Redemptive Love: The Key To Church Discipline
The biblical confrontation of delinquent parishioners aims at restoring them to fellowship.
Worshipers Make the Worship Service Work
Changes in worship service may be resisted by the congregation--unless they're involved in the process.
A Model For Multiple Staff Management
God does not call together church members only to see them divide the body of Christ.
What Are You Doing About Singles In Your Church?
David McCasland was talked into leading a singles ministry, which turned out very different from what he expected.
From the Publisher
A Message from the Publisher: July 01, 1981
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