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Don Bubna suggests some time-saving tips for Christian leaders.

A society in which "Whirl is King" makes a lot of noise about time-savers. But time is not saved by multiplying devices; it is saved by personal discipline.

"Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed," says management consultant Peter Drucker in The Effective Executive. In applying management techniques to a Christian leader's use of time, there are several important spiritual principles to keep in mind.

First, time for Christian leaders is not really their own; they're the ones appointed to manage it. It doesn't belong to the people they serve; it belongs to God.

Second, God gives leaders enough time to do everything he wants them to do. This includes fulfilling responsibilities to family and personal health.

The third principle is stated by the apostle Paul: "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

So, God gives us time; he gives us enough time to do all that he assigns; and he has promised us the strength we need. How do we become ...

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