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Recycling Pastors*

Good leadership is a limited resource that must be carefully nurtured and renewed. David McKenna advocates a great idea that could go far toward eliminating leadership frustration, waste, and break-down.

*(bishops, district superintendents, missionary field chairpersons, Christian education directors, parachurch administrators . … )

Good leadership is a limited resource that must be carefully nurtured and renewed. David McKenna advocates a great idea that could go far towards eliminating leadership frustration, waste, and break-down.

My first model for the ministry was a barn| V \ storming preacher who thundered from the pulpit, "Bless God, I'd rather wear out than rust out." Guilt stalked me for years. Unless I was obsessively engaged in non-stop ministry that was leading onward and upward to the glory of early breakdown or death, I was cheating on my calling. A Sunday out of the pulpit twitted my conscience, a happy vacation stabbed at my soul, and any thought of a change from "full-time service" was condemned as the ultimate betrayal. Even good health provoked the question, "Am I doing my best for the kingdom of God?" If I wasn't wearing out, I must be rusting out.

A Principle ...

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