Christian Unity
Grow Or Die? Actually, There’s A Third Option – Be A Great Small Church
Church growth principles are important, but we need to know what great small churches look like, too.
Grow Or Die? Actually, There’s A Third Option – Be A Great Small Church
Image: Bruno Cordioli | Flickr

Most church leadership principles focus on how to prepare your church for numerical growth.

That’s an important aspect of leading a church, for sure. One I want to learn more about.

But it’s just one aspect of church leadership. It shouldn’t be the entire menu. ...

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Church Leadership
Jethro, Moses And The Hands-On Pastor
In a smaller church, we can’t equip others to do hands-on ministry unless we’re hands-on ourselves.
Jethro, Moses And The Hands-On Pastor
Image: Jesse Orrico | Unsplash

If you want a church to grow, you need to become less of a hands-on pastor.

That’s what I’m constantly told. But it’s not entirely true. At least not for most congregations of a typical size.

The go-to Bible passage most church leaders use for this idea is the ...

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Church Leadership
4 More Church Finance Lessons I Learned The Hard Way
Money touches everything we do, but most pastors haven't been taught as much about it as we should have been.
4 More Church Finance Lessons I Learned The Hard Way
Image: Katie Harp | Unsplash

Most pastors get a lot of training before we go into full-time ministry. We learn about theology, preaching, counseling and more.

But the one aspect of ministry that most of us get the least amount of teaching on is one that touches everything we do. Money.

Because of this, most ...

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Innovative Ministry
Don’t Miss The Entrepreneurial Lessons That Only A Small Church Can Teach You
Small churches can teach us lessons about ministry that can help us lead better in any context.
Don’t Miss The Entrepreneurial Lessons That Only A Small Church Can Teach You
Image: Hannah Busing | Unsplash

Small companies are fueled by passion, innovation and risk-taking. Small churches should be, too.

As companies get bigger, passion is often replaced by profits, innovation by budgets, and creativity by quality control. Big companies tend to take fewer risks because they have ...

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Church Leadership
5 Church Budgeting Lessons I Learned The Hard Way
Money isn’t the goal of ministry. But it is a tool – and an important one.
5 Church Budgeting Lessons I Learned The Hard Way
Image: rawpixel | Unsplash

Some lessons come easy. Some lessons come hard.

For many, maybe most of us, the practical financial lessons of ministry often come hard. We learn by doing – and by making mistakes. I wish I was the exception to that rule, but I’m not.

Over the years I’ve made ...

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Church Growth
More Is Only Good When It’s A Byproduct Of Better
We don’t need bigger churches. We need better churches. Then we need more of them.
More Is Only Good When It’s A Byproduct Of Better
Image: Hutomo Abrianto | Unsplash

More isn’t always better.

No one wants more heartache, more tragedy, or more loneliness. Unless you’re trying to write a hit country song.

In fact, it’s not just bad things we don’t want more of. No one wants more of an average meal, a typical day, or a ...

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Church Leadership
Don’t Just Build A Ministry Platform, Build A Team That Can Support It
This may be the biggest reason great ideas die too soon. We’re creating buzz, but we’re not building substance.
Don’t Just Build A Ministry Platform, Build A Team That Can Support It
Image: Josh Calabrese | Unsplash

If you have a message, idea or product you want the world to know about, there’s never been a better time than right now to build the platform for it.

Technology has enabled anyone, anywhere to take an idea (it doesn’t even have to be a good one) and make it available ...

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