Innovative Ministry
Free Apps and Websites Any Church Can Use To Organize, Promote And Do More Creative Ministry
If your church is small and your budget is non-existent, new technology may seem out of reach. But it’s not.
Free Apps and Websites Any Church Can Use To Organize, Promote And Do More Creative Ministry
Image: Nycholas Benaia | Unsplash

We are living more of our lives online than ever before. And our online time will increase for some time before it levels off.

While there are certainly a lot of downsides to this, there are also huge upsides that every church can take advantage of. With people spending an average ...

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Church & Culture
Why Current Church Trends Mean Very Little In Smaller Churches
Small church ministry isn’t about following trends, it’s about knowing people.
Why Current Church Trends Mean Very Little In Smaller Churches
Image: Jon Tyson | Unsplash

In a couple recent articles, I wrote about current trends in church worship music. (You can read them here and here.)

If you worship or serve in a smaller church, you may have read those articles and shrugged, or maybe you saw the titles and didn’t even bother to read them. ...

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Christian Unity
4 Positive Trends That Could Make Today's Worship Music Even Better
An encouragement to widen our musical tastes, expand our emotional range, renew our melodic emphasis, and incorporate other artistic expressions.
4 Positive Trends That Could Make Today's Worship Music Even Better
Image: Jack Sharp | Unsplash

In the last few years there have been a lot of articles written about what’s wrong with worship music, and how to make it better. So many that they've been labeled the Worship Wars. This isn’t about that.

Instead, I want to suggest four trends that are not happening ...

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Innovative Ministry
5 Positive Trends In Today's Worship Music
Not all current worship trends are positive, but there are far more good ones than negative ones.
5 Positive Trends In Today's Worship Music
Image: Vince Fleming | Unsplash

It’s easy to criticize today’s worship music. Too easy.

“It’s repetitive!” “It’s too loud!” “It’s theologically shallow!” “And it’s repetitive!”

Similar criticisms have been made for every generation ...

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Innovative Ministry
What Will I Preach This Sunday?! 6 Tools for Overcoming Preacher’s Block
Simple steps to help you prepare better, preach stronger and have a greater impact.
What Will I Preach This Sunday?! 6 Tools for Overcoming Preacher’s Block
Image: Ben White | Unsplash

One of the greatest challenges of pastoring is coming up with something fresh to say to the same people week after week.

As a pastor, I’ve been preaching for over 30 years. Over 4,000 messages. For many years I would regularly run out of things to say – or, more accurately, ...

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Innovative Ministry
5 Reasons Leaders Should Never Say “I Don’t Like That”
Good leaders never make their decisions based on personal preference. They make decisions based on the mission.
5 Reasons Leaders Should Never Say “I Don’t Like That”
Image: Mimi Thian | Unsplash

Good leaders have strong opinions.

And they should.

But our decisions should be guided by the mission, not by our opinions.

This is especially true in church leadership. The importance of Christ’s mission should be communicated in everything we do and say. Including in subtle ...

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Church & Culture
Want To Accomplish Your Goals? Dream Bigger – And More Long-Term
While it may seem counterintuitive, thinking bigger and on a longer timeline is often a better way to get things done.
Want To Accomplish Your Goals? Dream Bigger – And More Long-Term
Image: Giuseppe Milo | Flickr

You won’t succeed at your New Years resolutions this year.

Sorry for the bad news, but it's highly unlikely, statistically speaking.

But here’s what you can do. You can start.

Want to write a book? Start writing every day.

Lose weight? Start a healthier lifestyle.

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