Innovative Ministry
Pulpit Discipleship: Organizing Your Annual Preaching Calendar For Maximum Effectiveness
As a small church pastor, I have to keep these two tasks in balance – preaching to the congregation, and spending time with members.
Pulpit Discipleship: Organizing Your Annual Preaching Calendar For Maximum Effectiveness
Image: rawpixel | Unsplash

Preaching is one of the most important responsibilities of the pastor in a small church context.

It’s important, not just because it is the most visible function of a pastor, but because it is one of the primary tools for discipleship.

As pastors, our primary job is making ...

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Christian Unity
Inside And Outside The Bible Belt: A Schism The American Church Must Address
The church has never found unity through sameness, but by celebrating how Christ uses the gifts of different parts of his one body.
Inside And Outside The Bible Belt: A Schism The American Church Must Address
Image: Ben White | Unsplash

There are two churches in America. The church inside the Bible Belt and the church outside the Bible Belt.

The ones inside the Bible Belt often look at the ones outside as compromised and soft on sin because of their rejection of long-held traditions.

Meanwhile, those outside ...

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Church Leadership
Breaking Church Growth Barriers Will Not Keep You From Crashing
A plea to my fellow pastors: The body of Christ wants you healthy and whole more than we need you to perform numerically.
Breaking Church Growth Barriers Will Not Keep You From Crashing
Image: Freshh Connection | Unsplash

There’s something very sad and scary about the way too many pastors are leaving the ministry lately.

It’s never been unusual to hear about pastors dropping out of full-time ministry when the demands of the calling are different from their expectations. Especially ...

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Church Growth
The Problem With Using Numerical Incentives In Church Leadership
When we require the promise of numerical increase to motivate us to behave biblically, something is wrong.
The Problem With Using Numerical Incentives In Church Leadership
Image: Nick Hillier | Unsplash

If a church wants to break growth barriers, here are some of the principles pastors need to follow:

  • Equip church members to do ministry, not just have ministry done for them
  • Train the people you have to reach out to the people you don’t have
  • Be friendly and welcoming to your guests
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Christian Unity
5 Myth-Shattering Reasons We Have To Change Our Thinking About Church Size
History has regularly shown us that any time we equate bigger with better in the kingdom of God, it leads to problems. Big problems.
5 Myth-Shattering Reasons We Have To Change Our Thinking About Church Size
Image: Nicolae Rosu | Unsplash

Bigger churches aren’t necessarily better. Smaller churches aren’t necessarily broken, stuck or ineffective.

Effective churches exist in all shapes and sizes. Including churches that haven’t grown numerically in a while.

But the myths persist. Especially the ...

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Church Growth
Caring Or Counting? The Pastoral Dilemma
When I’m pushing for numerical growth, I minister differently than when I’m caring for people. And not in a good way.
Caring Or Counting? The Pastoral Dilemma
Image: Matthew Henry | Unsplash

When it comes to pastoral ministry, I've discovered an interesting (and sometimes frustrating) paradox.

The more I care for people, the less concern I have for increasing the size of the crowd – while the more I work to increase the size of the crowd, the less caring ...

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Church Leadership
In Defense Of Longer (And Better) Sermons
How long should a sermon be? As long as it needs to be.
In Defense Of Longer (And Better) Sermons
Image: Bart Hiddink | Flickr

People don’t hate long sermons.

They hate boring sermons. Irrelevant sermons. Impractical sermons. Uninspiring sermons. Unprepared sermons. Over-prepared sermons… You get the idea.

A bad sermon can’t be short enough, but an engaging sermon can go longer than ...

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