Church Leadership
4 Principles To Get (And Give) Better Feedback
If we want better feedback, we can’t just be open to it, we have to ask for it. Regularly and honestly.
4 Principles To Get (And Give) Better Feedback
Image: Juri Gianfrancesco | Unsplash

If we want to become better leaders we need to have good feedback. And to get that feedback, we need to find and listen to better critics.

But getting helpful feedback has one significant challenge. There is an inverse correlation between the frequency of a person’s opinion ...

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Innovative Ministry
The 5 Biggest Dangers Of A Long-Term Pastorate – And How To Avoid Them
No pastor should ever stop learning – not if we hope to stay effective.
The 5 Biggest Dangers Of A Long-Term Pastorate – And How To Avoid Them
Image: Wil Stewart | Unsplash

Pastorates are getting longer.

This is mostly good news for pastors, their families, and the churches they serve. (As we saw in my previous article, 8 Benefits Of Investing A Lifetime Of Ministry Into One Congregation.)

But there are a few inherent dangers to staying in one church ...

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Church Leadership
8 Benefits Of Investing A Lifetime Of Ministry Into One Congregation
Longevity builds trust, which gives people a better perspective on what does and doesn’t really matter.
8 Benefits Of Investing A Lifetime Of Ministry Into One Congregation
Image: Brett Streutker | Flickr

Pastors seem to be staying in their churches longer now than they did in previous generations.

That’s on purpose.

I know, because as of this month I’ve been ministering at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship for 26 years. When our family arrived here, our prayer was that ...

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Christian Unity
7 Advantages Of Long-Term Church Membership
The best things in life don’t come in a hurry. They take time. But they’re worth the investment.
7 Advantages Of Long-Term Church Membership
Image: Zach Reiner | Unsplash

Sometimes it seems like everyone is leaving the church. But that’s not the case.

While we’re right to be concerned about church-hoppers and church-droppers, people don’t typically go to a church with the plan of leaving soon. Most want to put down roots and ...

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Christian Unity
8 Principles To Consider Before Leaving A Church You (Used To) Love
Leaving a church is hard. Don't make it harder by doing it badly.
8 Principles To Consider Before Leaving A Church You (Used To) Love
Image: Mantas Hesthaven | Unsplash

It’s hard to leave a church you used to love – and maybe still love.

In previous articles I’ve written from the pastor’s perspective about how hard it is when people leave the church you’re pastoring, and what to consider before leaving a church ...

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Church & Culture
Understanding The New Apathy About Church Attendance
Most people who don’t attend church are not making a conscious choice against it. Choosing requires awareness.
Understanding The New Apathy About Church Attendance
Image: Julian Howard | Unsplash

Why are fewer people going to church? And what can we do about it?

This may be the main topic of conversation among pastors today.

For example, while scrolling through my Facebook feed last weekend, I came across multiple posts with sarcastic takes on how sad/interesting/ridiculous ...

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Church & Culture
This Year, Rediscover The “Why?” Behind Your Church’s Christmas Traditions
Asking “why?” can help a church infuse their Christmas celebrations with greater hope, joy, mission and purpose.
This Year, Rediscover The “Why?” Behind Your Church’s Christmas Traditions
Image: Aaron Burden | Unsplash

More than any other time of the year, Christmas is filled with traditions.

It’s one of the many reasons we love the holiday season.

It’s also something our churches need to pay closer attention to. Before a church holds any event, program or service, we should always ...

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