Church Leadership
Why We Need To Be Careful About Adopting Business Models In Our Churches
When we think we need to go to a business model for church renewal, aren’t we implying that biblical principles can’t stand on their own?
Why We Need To Be Careful About Adopting Business Models In Our Churches
Image: Razvan Chisu | Unsplash

It’s becoming very popular to teach church growth and leadership principles using ideas from successful businesses.

Some of the titles of books and articles I’ve seen lately include, What The Church Can Learn From...

  • Harley Davidson
  • Marvel Movies
  • Japanese Management
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Christian Unity
Saying “There’s Nothing Wrong With Small Churches” Is A Great Start, But It’s Not Enough
Small churches aren't just “not wrong”, they have always been and will always be an essential ingredient in God’s plan.
Saying “There’s Nothing Wrong With Small Churches” Is A Great Start, But It’s Not Enough
Image: Tyler Nix | Unsplash

There’s nothing wrong with small churches.

I’ve been hearing that a lot lately.

For the first time in my memory, many church growth writers and speakers are making sure to say "there’s nothing wrong with small churches" when they teach about church ...

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Responsive Design: If Your Church Leadership Ideas Don’t Adapt For Size, You’re Behind The Curve
Like responsive design for different sizes of devices, responsive design for different church sizes is more possible – and necessary – than ever before.
Responsive Design: If Your Church Leadership Ideas Don’t Adapt For Size, You’re Behind The Curve
Image: Taras Shypka | Unsplash

Are you involved in church leadership? As in, does any of your ministry involve overseeing, teaching or helping other church leaders?

If so, have you ever been frustrated by the inability of some small churches to utilize your ideas? No doubt you have.

Here’s a simple illustration ...

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What About The Small, But NOT Struggling Church?
It’s unfair, inaccurate and unhelpful to make the assumption that a church is struggling just because it’s small.
What About The Small, But NOT Struggling Church?
Image: Jon Tyson | Unsplash

There are a lot of small churches in the world. Over 90 percent of all churches, by most counts.

Yet perhaps the most common moniker used for small churches isn’t

  • Small and normal
  • Small and commonplace
  • Small and typical
  • Or even small and holding strong

It’s small and struggling.

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Church & Culture
First Impressions: 7 Ways To Give Church Guests A Frustration-Free Experience
Shortening the distance between our guests and a relationship with Jesus. That's what a welcoming church is all about.
First Impressions: 7 Ways To Give Church Guests A Frustration-Free Experience
Image: Catahal Mac an Beatha | Unsplash

There’s a lot about the gospel message that is not user-friendly.

Take up your cross. Love your enemies. Put God’s will ahead of my own.

But getting to that message shouldn’t be as hard as many churches often make it.

This lesson was reinforced for me recently ...

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Church Growth
Church Health And Growth: Are Pastors Responsible For Outcomes?
We are responsible for the tasks we have been given, but not for tasks we have not been given.
Church Health And Growth: Are Pastors Responsible For Outcomes?
Image: Ben White | Unsplash

Who is responsible for the health and growth of a local church?

Is it all up to the pastoral leadership? As one former megachurch pastor used to say, “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”

Or is it all up to Jesus who said “I will build my church”? ...

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Innovative Ministry
What To Do When Your Ministry Passion Doesn’t Match Your Ministry Skill Set
You can apply the skills God gave you without denying the passion he planted in you.
What To Do When Your Ministry Passion Doesn’t Match Your Ministry Skill Set
Image: Jon Tyson | Unsplash

Some ministers seem to be ideally suited for what they do.

Their passion, their skill set, their spiritual gifting and their circumstances all seem to line up in one integral whole.

But what about the rest of us? What do you do when you feel divided? When your passion goes in ...

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