Church & Culture
Church Growth: Before Asking “Does It Scale?” We Need To Ask, “Should It Scale?”
The best answers start with the right questions.
Church Growth: Before Asking “Does It Scale?” We Need To Ask, “Should It Scale?”
Image: Ravi Roshan | Unsplash

Not everything is scalable.

Church growth is. But not every aspect of church health is.

Not only is bigger not always better, in some cases pushing for numerical growth can actually be harmful to the mission of a local church.

Scalability Is Not Universal

There are a lot of great, ...

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Church & Culture
What’s Wrong With The Church Today? Nothing That Hasn’t Been Wrong Every Other Day
God has always used imperfect people and imperfect churches, because that’s all there is to work with.
What’s Wrong With The Church Today? Nothing That Hasn’t Been Wrong Every Other Day
Image: Giles Watson |Flickr

There’s a lot that’s wrong with the church today.

Over and over, I see similar complaints:

  • “The church today is compromised!”
  • “The modern church is about entertainment!”
  • “The contemporary church is more about personalities than about Jesus!”
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Church Growth
Breaking The 200 Barrier Is Good – Feeling Guilty If You Don’t Break It, Isn’t
Most churches don’t experience constant numerical increase, no matter how hard they work or what new strategies they learn.
Breaking The 200 Barrier Is Good – Feeling Guilty If You Don’t Break It, Isn’t
Image: Francisco Moreno | Unsplash

If you want your church to break through the 200 barrier there’s a lot of help.

From the classic book, How To Break Growth Barriers, to newly-developed programs by great leaders like Carey Nieuwhof, Ed Stetzer and The Unstuck Group, there’s no shortage of top-notch ...

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Church & Culture
7 Contradictory Cultural Trends – And 7 Ways Christians Can Respond With Integrity
We need to be ready to listen to the concerns of people who seem to be living contradictory lives. Thankfully, this is something the scriptures have prepared us for.
7 Contradictory Cultural Trends – And 7 Ways Christians Can Respond With Integrity
Image: Paweł Czerwiński | Unsplash

The world is changing. Fast.

Unlike many of my contemporaries, I see a lot of good changes along with the bad ones, but no matter how you see it, change is hard.

And the extreme amount of change we’re experiencing now is overwhelming.

It’s especially challenging when ...

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In Praise Of Walmart Churches
Walmart churches don’t care how they look to others. They know who they are and who they’re called to reach.
In Praise Of Walmart Churches
Image: Annie Spratt |Unsplash

There are a lot of cool churches in the world.

Congregations trying the latest ideas, ministries using cutting-edge graphics, and worship bands leading us in the newest songs.

I like cool churches.

It’s great to see them keeping up to date, trying innovative methods, and ...

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The Small Church's Biggest Need, Biggest Blessing, and Biggest Opportunity
There is a role for churches of all sizes. Big churches meet some needs, small churches meet other needs.
The Small Church's Biggest Need, Biggest Blessing, and Biggest Opportunity
Image: Will Stewart | Unsplash

The typical church has about 75 attendees every week.

So if you pastor a small congregation, your church isn’t broken, it’s what’s known as normal. And normal doesn’t need to be fixed.

But for the most part, the books, conferences and classes about pastoring ...

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Church Growth
Overcoming Confirmation Bias About Church Size, Health And Effectiveness
Confirmation bias causes us to see the successes of the big, fast-growing churches, but only the problems in the small, steady church.
Overcoming Confirmation Bias About Church Size, Health And Effectiveness
Image: Mikoto Tateisi | Unsplash

Why do we equate size with health and effectiveness in the church?

One reason is our tendency toward confirmation bias.

When we want to know what church health is, we look at what’s happening in the biggest and fastest-growing churches.

On the other hand, when we look at ...

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