Church Leadership
Between Doing And Delegating – The Essential Step To Overcome Pastoral Burnout
You can’t do everything yourself. And you can’t delegate tasks to people who haven’t been discipled. They have to be equipped first.
Between Doing And Delegating – The Essential Step To Overcome Pastoral Burnout
Image: Priscilla Du Preez | Unsplash

When it comes to leading people, many pastors fall into one of two opposite traps.

Doing everything themselves, or delegating tasks to people who don’t do them well.

Many pastors swing wildly between the two.

Here’s why.

What Causes Pastoral Burnout?

We see something ...

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Church & Culture
Why Good Friday Is So Good – And How It Makes Easter Such Great News
Jesus took on death willingly, to defeat it permanently.
Why Good Friday Is So Good – And How It Makes Easter Such Great News
Image: Chris Benson | Unsplash

Most of the world’s historic victories happened in one simple, yet brutal way – the winner was better at killing than the loser was.

Death wins. As long as it’s your death, not mine.

One of the many reasons I follow Jesus is that his victory on the cross was ...

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Church & Culture
Is Your Church Evangelizing Or Just Advertising? 4 Reasons It Matters
Evangelism isn’t about sales, it’s about relationship. It’s not about filling a building with people, it’s about filling people with Jesus.
Is Your Church Evangelizing Or Just Advertising? 4 Reasons It Matters
Image: Edwin Andrade | Unsplash

There are two ways for a local church to reach more people.

Advertising or evangelism.

And they are not the same thing.

There’s nothing wrong with advertising, per se. Using social media, print ads, handouts or other means to let people know about your church or its events ...

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Church & Culture
14 Observations About The State Of Christian Denominations Today
Denominations that support and enhance the biblical mission of the local church will thrive. Those that don't will continue to decline.
14 Observations About The State Of Christian Denominations Today
Image: Stephen Radford | Unsplash

There are only two forms of the church that ultimately matter.

The universal church and the local church.

Everything else is an add-on. Including buildings, furniture, styles of music, types of preaching, curriculum, and the subject of today’s article, denominations.

I’m ...

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Church Growth
How To Avoid The Trap That "Just A Little More" Will Fix Your Church's Problems
If you want to be happy with where God takes you, be content with where God has placed you.
How To Avoid The Trap That "Just A Little More" Will Fix Your Church's Problems
Image: David Goehring | Flickr

Almost every pastor wants their church to be bigger.

By at least 50 to 100 percent.

Got 50 people? 100 would be great.

100? Let’s shoot for 200.

There’s a lot about that drive that’s healthy. But there’s another side that’s unsettling, uncertain and ...

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Church Growth
Why You Can't Predict Church Growth, But You Can Predict Church Failure (And, Thankfully, Church Health)
Church growth is a mystery. Church failure is predictable. Church health is what really matters.
Why You Can't Predict Church Growth, But You Can Predict Church Failure (And, Thankfully, Church Health)
Image: Javier Allegue Barros | Unsplash

Everyone wants the sure thing.

If we just learn the right principles, follow the latest How To Grow Your Church list, or (my favorite) “do it like the early church”, then Boom! Our church is guaranteed numerical success.

I wish.

Here’s the reality behind church ...

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Innovative Ministry
Before Your Congregation Dies: 6 Proactive Options For Your Church Property
Just as my identity is not in my body, a church’s identity is not in its building – or it shouldn’t be.
Before Your Congregation Dies: 6 Proactive Options For Your Church Property
Image: Kev Seto | Unsplash

In the next decade or two, we are going to see an unprecedented number of churches close their doors.

Unprecedented for North Americans churches, that is.

We know this is coming because we’ve already seen it happen in Europe. Many of their historic church buildings are as ...

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