
Evangelicals’ Theology of the Church Must Be Born Again
The ‘Great Dechurching’ is an opportunity for our tradition to rediscover a more enduring ecclesiology.
America’s Church Authority Crisis Didn’t Start with Trump
A recent poll suggests evangelical voters trust the former president more than religious leaders. But this problem isn’t new.
Stay the Course: How to Keep Your Faith in College
A Bible professor’s advice for staying close to Christ on campus.
Jesus Met Me on the Morning of My Funeral
I was dressed for burial when he gave me a mission to proclaim his name.
Paul Put His Own Stamp on the Ancient Pattern of Opening and Closing Letters
The apostle used his hellos and goodbyes to teach, bless, and worship.
Repairing the Evangelical House Means Renewing the Evangelical Imagination
If our movement is ailing, argues Karen Swallow Prior, it’s because we’ve overlooked the importance of certain stories, symbols, and metaphors.
Since When Did Pleasing God Become an Unattainable Ideal?
His servants aren’t meant to feel like spiritual failures.
Western Theologians Need Non-Western Theologians—and Vice Versa
The particularities of people groups can aid the work of understanding and proclaiming the gospel.
Your Mind Is on God’s Mind
However ugly our thoughts, God is not scared of them.
Repentance Is Both Vertical and Horizontal
Our hearts aren’t prepared for the Lord until they are ready to love others.
New Atheism Is Dead. What’s the New New Atheism?
Far fewer British people agree with vitriolic assertions about religion. Still, disbelief in God is on the rise in both the UK and the US.
At Indigenous Seminary, Students Learn the Power of Faith Embedded in Identity
The newly accredited school promotes a theological education that’s not at odds with culture.
Don’t Let the ‘Back-to-School Rush’ Diminish Your Humanity
Whenever we enter a new season of life, we must care for our souls in the process.
The Surprising Staying Power of Dispensationalism
As a school of theology, it’s in decline. As a cultural and political force, it’s more influential than ever.
What If Churches Ask for More and No One Says Yes?
Jake Meador has a provocative proposal for reversing dechurching. But it may not be that simple.
True Change Is a Matter of the Heart
The Christian gospel is meant to transform our whole person—our emotions as much as our thoughts.
How Horror Uncovers Our ‘Holy’ Hypocrisy
Sometimes the blatant evils portrayed in scary movies and shows can reveal the more subtle sins within us.
When AI Goes to War
I wish ‘Judeo-Christian norms’ were enough to ensure ethical AI warfare. They’re not.
In Indonesia, Light Skin is Prized. Some Christians Are Pushing Back.
Despite entrenched colorism in society, believers show how the Bible redefines a woman’s self-worth.
Misreading Scripture with Artificial Eyes
I asked ChatGPT to interpret the Sermon on the Mount. Here’s what I learned about AI’s exegetical errors.

Top Story July 29, 2024

A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
Fifty years ago, the Lausanne Covenant’s solution to rampant division in evangelical ranks wasn’t uniformity.

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