
What Is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Formation Agenda
Three priorities for the next 30 years.
Holy Laughter
Remembering Haggard's sin — and ours.
Cult Watchers Reconsider
Former detractors of Nee and Lee now endorse 'local churches.'
The Post-Neuhaus Future of Evangelicals and Catholics Together
Charles Colson says the convert to Catholicism helped break down the most important barrier.
Inaugural Prayers of Hope and Tears
What John Piper, Charles Colson, Mark Driscoll, and others are saying about the Obama inauguration and its invocations.
Prosperity Gospel on Skid Row
Difficulties of high-profile pastors may reorient movement—or reinforce it.
Love Letters
Driscoll and Breshears explore the many-splendored atonement in Death By Love.
Everyday Lord
Jesus' language shows the mundane is where faith is fleshed out.
Richard John Neuhaus: Witness to Truth
A First Things junior fellow remembers the man whose life was spent 'witnessing to the truth.'
In Meltdown, Hints of Grace
The odd effects the economy is having on families.
'Leaving Isn't the Answer'
Why the pastor of the largest Episcopalian congregation is staying put in a 'very sick' church.
God's Other Good Book
'God never wrought miracle to convince atheism, because his ordinary works convince it.'
Jesus Is Not a Brand
Why it is dangerous to make evangelism another form of marketing.
A Serious Decay
We're paying the bill for relativism.
Benedictine Wisdom
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
My Top Ten Theology Stories of 2008
Counting down the events, debates, and books that shaped evangelical theology over the last year.
The Advent of Humility
Jesus is the reason to stop concentrating on ourselves.
That Controversial 'Messiah'
Christian art continues to stir people in unexpected ways.
Searching for the Star of Bethlehem
A new theory makes the news. But are 21st-century astronomers looking in the wrong place?

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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