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Um provocador? Não, ele é um pastor português
Tiago Cavaco, que também é escritor, músico e jornalista, explica como o humor e a surpresa são essenciais para a teologia.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Cross the Lines
A Vision for Healing the Divided American Church
A new organization empowers Christian leaders to bridge toxic divides.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 80|50min
Jonathan Haidt’s Way Forward for an Anxious Generation
The social psychologist and author proposes practical steps for healthier communities.
O Advento e o abraço supremo de amor
Jesus usa a visão de Daniel para falar sobre sua própria volta e o nascimento da nova criação no Natal.
Que os reformados do Senhor digam não ao cessacionismo
A descrença na obra miraculosa do Espírito está ganhando espaço em alguns círculos cristãos, mas está travando uma batalha perdida.
People Say Worship Music All Sounds the Same. They Might Mean Something Else.
Complaints about the emerging genre may have to do with the discomfort with monoculture surrounding it.
Free Speech Victory for Finnish Politician and Bishop Who Said Homosexuality Is Sinful
Appeals court unanimously affirms that the traditional interpretation of the Bible is not criminal hate speech.
Nashville Pastor Scott Sauls Resigns After Apologizing for Harsh Leadership
Sauls spent a decade leading Christ Presbyterian Church and had been on leave since May.
Keeping—and Learning—the Peace
An American Christian’s view of US-Taiwan-China relations and what to do in the event of war.
Cherche 100 000 réemplois pour églises désaffectées
Avec un nombre record d’assemblées risquant de fermer leurs portes d’ici 2025 aux États-Unis, le futur de communautés en perte de vitesse et de bâtiments vides pourrait se trouver dans la polyvalence.
As Erdoğan Goads on Gaza, Turkish Christians Prefer Peace
Amid centenary of the secular republic, Erdoğan inaugurates a significant new church as local believers navigate Muslim society’s stance on Palestine.
The Bulletin Episode 54|29min
A Story-Shaped Nation
Israel’s unique cultural identity undergirds it in times of duress.
Un cristiano emprendió una aventura: espera cambiar la forma en que vemos la inmigración
Equipado con la historia, las Escrituras y un restaurante abandonado en la frontera sur, Sami DiPasquale espera poder ablandar los corazones endurecidos por la política.
It’s Tempting to Rely on the IDF. But My Hope Is Messiah Yeshua.
Amid chaos in Israel, I will trust in the Lord.
Renverser une vision du monde fondée sur la malédiction.
Un pasteur nigérian refuse de vivre dans ce cadre de pensée. Il veut aider l’Église africaine à le rejeter également.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Lutheran Hour Ministries
7 Minutes to Renewal
Daily devotions for a balanced life

Top Story July 26, 2024

Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
Penalty or No, Athletes Talk Faith
The public square is increasingly hostile to religion. But don’t be surprised when Olympic athletes overflow with thanks to God.

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