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Why You Should Think Twice Before Sharing That Next Viral Post About Human Trafficking
Sharing misleading information online—even unintentionally—has real-world consequences.
The Question is Not Whose Side is God On?
... but are you on God's side?
A Psalm for Inauguration Day
A psalm, a prayer for President Joseph Biden
What the Black Robe Regiment Misses About Revolutionary Pastors
Christians calling for clergy to rise up against the government should take a closer look at the complex approaches by America’s early preachers.
Failed Trump Prophecies Offer a Lesson in Humility
Instead of persecuting prophets who have apologized, we might do better to join them.
Stephen Lungu, Africa’s Enterprising Evangelist, Dies of COVID-19
Coronavirus claims life of Malawi leader known as the “Billy Graham of Africa.”
Two Pastors Join SBC President Race
One is known for his involvement in racial reconciliation efforts, and the other is a founding member of the anti-“woke” Conservative Baptist Network.
10 Best Practices for Improving Religious Freedom in Complicated Countries
Lessons we learned from helping Vietnam become the first country to be peaceably removed from the United States’ blacklist of the worst persecutors of Christians and other believers.
2020 May Finally Be Over, But the Plight of Refugees and Other Immigrants Is Not
Many immigrants and refugees have long known the anguish and loneliness of being separated from family.
Biden’s Big Bible Is Heavy with History, Symbolism
Experts say the second Catholic president is pointing to American tradition and deep personal roots.
Quando as profecias políticas não se realizam
Na Bíblia, vemos profetas falsos e verdadeiros cujas palavras se revelaram falsas.
Jesus and Women: Subversive?
Was Jesus subversive of a Jewish honor culture?
The Art of PastoringEpisode 11|32min
Stay True (And Maybe Stop Yelling)
Ronnie Martin and Jared Wilson encourage pastors to remain faithful to Scripture while still revealing their personalities through their preaching.
Why We’re All Spiritual First Responders
This year, churches are frontline helpers.
Survey: Black Churches Become a Greater Refuge Amid Political Powerlessness
In 2020, black churchgoers felt more disempowered than black Americans overall, Barna Group reports.
CultivatedEpisode 11|38min
Makoto Fujimura: What Is Broken Becomes Beautiful
Suffering led him to an ancient Japanese art form and a profound vision of healing.
‘Paul and the Gift’ Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving
Theologian John Barclay distills and updates his game-changing study of God’s “incongruous” grace in Christ.

Top Story June 24, 2024

After Roe’s Reversal, Most Churches Still Aren’t Involved with a Local Pregnancy Center
After Roe’s Reversal, Most Churches Still Aren’t Involved with a Local Pregnancy Center
Over two years of new state-level restrictions, younger Christians, Hispanics, and megachurch attendees are more likely to say their congregation supports their community’s alternative to abortion clinics.

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