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The Bulletin Episode 47|48min
Left to Their Own Devices
The House still needs a speaker, parents watch their kids’ phones, and religion makes us healthy.
Let the Children Play: Their Lives Depend on It
How the next generation's mental health crisis might recall the timeless values of wandering and wayfinding.
Perdemos três homens para o suicídio em dois anos
Como pastor, aprendi que a igreja pode desempenhar um papel vital de ajuda a membros com problemas de saúde mental.
Zoom sur l’hôpital chrétien frappé par l’explosion qui a tué des centaines de Gazaouis.
L’explosion du 17 octobre a touché un établissement dirigé par des anglicans « au milieu de l’une des régions les plus troublées du monde ».
‘Can You Find the Wolves in This Picture?’
Martin Scorsese’s “Killers of the Flower Moon” probes the unacknowledged darkness in every human heart.
Viral JesusEpisode 88|47min
Karen Swallow Prior: Christian Culture in Crisis
Are weak and impaired imaginations at the heart of the evangelical movement’s identity problems?
Pray for al-Ahli
A historian of Gaza’s only Christian hospital, where scores died in an explosion this week, shares the story of the longstanding refuge.
Scores Killed in Blast at Gaza’s Only Christian Hospital
The fatal explosion hit a well-known facility run by Anglicans—and formerly by Southern Baptists—“in the middle of one of the world’s most troubled places.”
Antisemitic Violence and Its Shameful Defense
Christians must care for both Israeli and Palestinian victims of war—and that means actively rejecting hatred of the Jewish people.
As Asian American Christians Decline, Most ‘Nones’ Still Feel Close to Religion
New Pew survey of 7,000 adults explores the beliefs and practices of Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims and their affinity to Confucianism and Daoism.
Cortando o Hamas pela raiz
Veja a visão de um cristão palestino sobre a tragédia em Israel — e como tratar as causas do problema.
Di tengah Perang Israel-Hamas, Umat Kristen Setempat Mencari Amarah yang Benar dan Pengharapan Injil
Saat terorisme menyebabkan ribuan kematian, kalangan Injili Palestina dan Yahudi Mesianik berbagi keterkejutan, kesedihan, dan doa demi perdamaian dan keadilan.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 76|1 hr 40min
Hope for High Conflict with Amanda Ripley
The journalist and author believes we can get stronger together.
На тлі війни між Ізраїлем та Хамасом місцеві християни відчувають праведний гнів і шукають надію в Євангелії
Терористичні дії забрали тисячі життів, але євангельські християни й месіанські євреї Палестини мають багато спільного – потрясіння, горе та молитви про мир і справедливість.
평판 재고가 필요했던 미국 복음주의자들은 한국 복음주의자들에게 시선을 돌렸다.
20세기 후반, 두 그룹은 서로를 국내외에서 정통성을 확보하기 위한 수단으로 활용했다.
Remembering ‘Grandma’ Lin Calvert, Missionary Doctor Who Brought Life to Remote Papua New Guinea
In her 69 years at Kapuna Hospital, Calvert delivered 10,000 babies, saved countless lives, trained healthcare workers, and loved the people.
Where Ya From?Episode 56|1 hr 1min
‘A Blueprint for Discipleship in an Urban Context’ with Dhati Lewis
Making disciples in our own neighborhoods.
Christians Have a Duty to Hate the Evil of Hamas
The example of Jesus, the teachings of the just war tradition, and Hamas’s own words make this clear.

Top Story July 29, 2024

What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God
What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God
As he prepares for the Paris Olympics, wrestler Kyle Snyder talks about how faith helped him loosen up and love his teammates.

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