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Os 10 versículos mais lidos no Brasil em 2023
E o que a lista da YouVersion pode revelar sobre a prática das igrejas brasileiras.
The Bible Dictates What the Church Teaches. Should Church Teaching Dictate How We Read the Bible?
A Protestant considers a Catholic theologian’s call for an “ecclesial” reading of Scripture.
The Harvard Obsession
Harvard president Claudine Gay has resigned. Perhaps it’s not time to think less of Harvard, but to think of Harvard less.
Evangelicals Shouldn’t Criticize Evangelicalism (Unless the Evangel Really Matters)
The gospel doesn’t come with a gag order. It calls us to name and repent of idolatries and hypocrisies—especially our own.
Word Perfect: Christian Proofreaders Celebrate a Billion Bibles Checked
Peachtree Publishing Services reviews 80 percent of Protestant Bibles in the US, looking at 300,000 details in each project.
The Bulletin Episode 63|47min
Reproach Carefully
Harvard removes Claudine Gay, Republicans struggle as caucuses approach, and we’re all tired of being tired.
IHOP corta relações com Mike Bickle por “comportamento inadequado”
O fundador da International House of Prayer (Casa Internacional de Oração) admitiu, no início de dezembro, seu envolvimento com “má conduta no passado”.
한 목사의 처절한 북한 탈출 작전을 담은 다큐멘터리
다큐멘터리 영화 ‘비욘드 유토피아’에서는 한국의 한 사역 단체가 1,000명 이상의 주민이 잔혹한 정권을 탈출할 수 있도록 도왔다.
Close Encounters of the Elite Institutional Kind
How a contested alien abduction claim from the 1960s helps explain modern cynicism toward credentialed experts and organizations.
Las masacres de esta Navidad en Nigeria ponen en tela de juicio explicaciones laicas del conflicto
La animadversión religiosa mezclada con las tensiones entre agricultores y pastores siguen acosando a los cristianos en la región del Cinturón Medio de Nigeria.
Neural Implants: Should We Become One with AI?
As Christians, we must prioritize thinking theologically about emerging technologies.
Died: Donald Wildmon, Champion of Christian Boycotts
The Methodist minister and founder of American Family Association mobilized believers to exert economic influence on major corporations.
Friends in High Places
We love celebrity conversions, but this obsession may not be as gospel-centered as it seems.
Je voulais devenir pasteur. C’est comme plombier que je sers le Seigneur.
Dans la prière et l’installation de chaudières, j’ai découvert une riche vie de foi.

Top Story July 24, 2024

Praising God Is an Act of Political Defiance
Praising God Is an Act of Political Defiance
The Book of Psalms reminds us that worship demands our unequivocal devotion and allegiance.

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