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The Christian Faith of ‘Shogun’s’ ‘Blue-Eyed Samurai’
The real-life John Blackthorne was an Englishman who came to be known as Anjin. What the letters he left behind reveal about his relationship with God.
Faith Deconstruction Can Be a Search for Answers or a Search for Exits
Christians should encourage doubters’ questions. They should also discern what those questions might be seeking.
How Do LGBTQ+ Students Fare at Christian Colleges? It’s Complicated.
Our research, based on large-scale student surveys, finds a surprising and complex interplay of religion and mental health at US universities.
Le « complémentarisme » survivra-t-il ?
Je veux continuer à me présenter comme complémentarienne, mais nous devons nous réapproprier ce terme.
Le caractère n’a-t-il vraiment plus d’importance ?
La « pudibonderie joyeuse » de l’évangélique Ned Flanders a cédé la place à la vulgarité, la misogynie et l’esprit partisan. Quel impact pour notre témoignage ?
Les chrétiens du Botswana secoués par un dramatique accident de bus.
Les responsables prient et déplorent l’insécurité routière après la mort de 45 pèlerins sur le chemin de l’Église chrétienne de Sion, en Afrique du Sud.
테러리스트에게 130명이 사살된 이후 복수에 저항하는 러시아 복음주의자들
모스크바와 키예프가 ISIS 연계 단체의 소행이라고 주장하는 콘서트장 테러에 대해 비난이 오가는 가운데, 기독교 지도자들은 비난 대신 연민과 용서에 초점을 맞추고 있다.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 100|51min
An Update to The Anxious Generation with Jonathan Haidt
New insights into mental health, religious communities, and the digital world.
Як використати силу європейських мігрантських церков
Професор семінарії з Сьєрра-Леоне розповідає, як поява африканців змінює церкву в Бельгії та інших європейських країнах.
Как использовать силу европейских мигрантских церквей
Профессор семинарии из Сьерра-Леоне рассказывает, как появление африканцев меняет церковь в Бельгии и других европейских странах.
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Paid Content for Prison Fellowship
‘From Prison Cell to City Hall’ with Jermaine Wilson
Hear one former prisoner's remarkable story of redemption and forgiveness and a life he never thought possible.
The Regulation Suffocating Christian Ministries in India
Designed to monitor foreign funding, more recently FCRA has crippled numerous organizations. Is it intentional?
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2024 Podcast Guide
Need something new in your feed? Check out these must-listens.
Easter Pilgrimage Bus Crash Shocks Botswana’s Christian Community
Leaders extend prayers and lament road safety after 45 were killed on the way to Zion Christian Church in South Africa.
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2024 Church Resource Guide
Cultivate your church or ministry’s next step toward growth.

Top Story July 20, 2024

In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
In Pennsylvania, Locals Remember Corey Comperatore’s ‘Greater Love’
Communities surrounding Trump’s rally site feel the shock of the tragic shooting.

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