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Live Tonight! Life and Justice Roundtable
Watch six leading thinkers discuss the call to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Get a preview and reminder now.
Rise of Religious 'Nones' Affecting Hispanic Catholics Much More Than Protestants
New Gallup survey finds significant differences in religiosity among U.S. Latinos.
New Efforts by Barna Group, NAE, Others Aim to Reach—and Understand—Hispanics
Evangelical leaders capitalize on post-election interest in U.S. Latinos.
A Spanish Service Is Not Enough: It's Time to Feed the 'Hellenized Latinos'
Spanish-speaking ministry models are designed to preserve the preferences of the foreign born.
Say No to Negative Talk about Hispanic Americans
Christian discussion about topics like Rick Perry's tuition stance must include both compassion and justice.
Hispanic Leader Calls Immigration Resolution 'A Tipping Point'
NAE president: 'Jesus was a refugee.'
Guaranteed to Fail
Why we ought to oppose the current immigration bill, regardless of our view on immigration.
Notable Study -- Take Two
Arlene Sanchez Walsh dismisses Hispanics' 'unique ethnic resilience'
The Call of Samuel
Samuel Rodriguez wants to build a bridge between Hispanic and Anglo evangelicals.
Despite Protestant Growth, Hispanic Catholicism Holds Steady in U.S.
Younger generations leaving for Protestant churches, but immigrants make up difference
Hispanic Churches Primed to Be More Socially Active
Among study's findings: 74 percent of Latinos want their churches to aid undocumented immigrants, even when it would be illegal
The Silent Pentecostals
Until recently, Latinos have been the most overlooked members of the Pentecostal family.
Evangelist Sets Sights on U.S. Latinos
A New Reformation
¡Viva Los Evangélicos!
Hispanics are not only spicing up U.S. culture, they are fueling the greatest growth in the North American church.
Hispanic Christians in the United States

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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