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Fiction for the Faith-Starved
The Shack tells a compelling, if imperfect, story.
Reading in Good Faith
The Shack is a tale of tragedy redeemed, not a theological treatise.
Literary Time Travel
As a scholar and a teacher, Lewis sought to see the present through the eyes of the past.
Changed Lives
Why read Christian biography?
The spark that lit the Welsh revival
God's Goodness In an Indian Attack
A Puritan woman’s frightening ordeal.
Anguished Conversion
How “vile” young Thomas Shepard met God.
From Four Laws to Four Circles
James Choung has found a way to tell the old, old story to a new generation.
The Trinity: So What?
The Shack allegorizes a tricky but foundational doctrine.
The Grace of Wrath
Is there any story about God that isn't a love story?
Pushing Daises
A pie maker's gift brings energy to quirky dramedy 'Pushing Daises.'
A Very Grown-up Children's Bible
The Jesus Storybook Bible is as theological as it is charming.
The 8 Marks of a Robust Gospel
Reviving forgotten chapters in the story of redemption.
The Chronicles of Atheism
When The Golden Compass hits theaters this month, many will be introduced to the works of Philip Pullman, a writer who detests C.S. Lewis's fantasy world.
Spoiler Alert
The Harry Potter craze suggests we're not telling the Christian story right.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The magic world of Harry Potter begins yielding to a 'deeper magic.' A review of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'
Superman on the Screen: Counterfeit Myth?
Heroes have disappeared. They have been replaced by superheroes-fantasy creatures.
A Better Storyteller
Donald Miller helps culturally conflicted evangelicals make peace with their faith.
Deeper into Terabithia
Bridge to Terabithia author Katherine Paterson says a story reveals a writer's faith, whether she likes it or not.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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