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Huh? Eight Deadly Sins?
Even when we're on our guard, the assault is relentless.
Be Ye Perfect?
The evolution of John Wesley's most contentious doctrine.
Risen With Healing
For Heaven's Sake
Sanctification Scuffles
The finished work controversy was Pentecostalism's first split
Heresy in the Early Church: Christian History Infographic - Sifting Through the Christ Controversies
A quick summary of the competing schools of thought.
Fine-Tuning the Incarnation
A lot of mistakes were made before the church figured out how best to describe Jesus Christ.
Finding the Truth
How the earliest church decided Marcion and the Gnostics, among others, were wrong.
To Quote
How Your Church Can Evangelize
To Heaven and Back?
Betty Eadie died, met Jesus, and came back to tell us. So what's the problem? Plenty.
Contact Sport
10 Types of Unchurched people

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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