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Lay Counselling Within The Local Church
Lay counseling accomplishes many things: it involves members in the work of the church, it provides a fulfilling ministry for lay persons, it takes a load off the pastor. It also solves people's problems.
Seeing Yourself as Others See You
A Christian leader tells how he embarked on a self-examiniation program at the onset of his fortieth birthday.
How can the counseling demands of the 1980s be met by the local church? Five leaders share their observations.
Pastoral care and counseling
Hurting Parents
Happy families are all alike: every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
You Gotta Serve Somebody
Modern psychology says you must to find yourself; the Scriptures say to give yourself away.
Leadership Forum: Power, Preaching & Priorities
Authority. Power. They're seldom the same. In fact, like an iceberg, 7/8 of the danger and power lies submerged under the organizational chart.
Appreciation for a pastor.
Dissecting Sense from Nonsense
Insights from a layman.
How do you make a large church warm and personal? Donald Bubna has ten tips that work for him.
The Pastor & The Board
Discipleship is the mandate of the Great Commission. Where could a pastor more wisely begin to disciple than with his church board?
Who Is the Snob?
Unequal Equipment
God, America and Sputnik
Strangers under the Sun

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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