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Churches Are Twice as Likely to Fear Refugees as to Help Them
Survey studies how American Protestants are engaging the refugee crisis, and why many are not.
Hope on the Refugee Highway: A Special Report on Christians in Iraq and Greece
CT visited eight refugee camps to learn how Christians on the front lines would advise American churches to engage the refugee crisis.
What Every Issue of CT Is About
We are all 'part of a great and mighty cosmic work of God.'
A Sane Approach to the Refugee Crisis
Islamophobia is not the answer--and neither is mass immigration.
Refugees on the Roma Road
In Europe, Christian ‘gypsies’ best understand those fleeing Syria and Iraq.
Caring for Refugees: A Declaration of Evangelical Response
At gathering of 100+ leaders, organizers pledge to engage 'global refugee emergency.'
Welcoming Their Former Enemies
Syrian refugees resettle in what was once "the Paris of the Middle East."
How Paris Affected American Attitudes on Helping Syrian Refugees
World Vision poll suggests terrorism didn't change compassion. Other polls highlight fears.
To Be Human Is to Be Homesick
God hardwired us for home, but we’re living in exile.
I Came to Christ at a Church That Loves Refugees
When my mother and aunties fled to America, God was their Deliverer. They just didn’t know it yet.
Here's Where America's 338,000 Christian Refugees Come From
Evangelical, Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, and other resettled believers hail from quite different countries.
Why Are There Only 53 Christians Among America’s 2,184 Syrian Refugees?
Amid claims of discrimination, World Relief points to other explanations.
What Refugees in Your Neighborhood Need from You
The mission field is arriving in the United States.
Christians Debate State Bans on Syrian Refugees after Paris Attacks
World Relief disagrees with half of US governors and Franklin Graham.
Is Germany’s Refugee Crisis a Muslim Mission Field?
Christian denomination of 3 million says 'strategic mission' to convert Muslims goes against 'the spirit' of Jesus.
Learning to Love My Haters
How even the harshest criticism makes us better writers.
A Church Welcome for the Tired, the Poor
How the refugee crisis makes for a beautiful gospel witness.
Tent of Greeting
A snapshot of Christian witness in the world.
Yes, the US Is Deporting Iraqi Christians. Here's Why.
Would-be asylum seekers admit lying to Homeland Security.
The Refugee Crisis Frontline: Croatia’s Christians Lend a Hand
As 27,000 people flood in from Serbia, church and relief leaders rush relief and support.

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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