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What Arab Church Leaders Think of Trump Prioritizing Persecuted Christian Refugees
Middle East believers appreciate the sentiment of the new president’s executive order. But not its strategy.
A Psalm for the Refugee Crisis in America
When our government is wrong, the church responds by doing what is right.
Evangelical Experts Oppose Trump’s Refugee Ban
World Relief and other major ministries argue that compassion and security are not opposing forces.
Pray for Aleppo? Survey Says Fewer Christians Pray for Refugees
World Vision president sees ‘America’s heart closing’ to Syria and Iraq.
This Christmas, Remember the Refugees
The Nativity scene would be empty without Jews, Arabs, Africans, and displaced people. Here's what that means for your holiday.
I’m Trying to Forgive Fidel Castro
As the daughter of a Cuban refugee, I feel torn between hate and grace.
Why I Forgave the Man I Once Plotted to Kill
Revenge fantasies were darkening my heart before I trusted in Jesus.
1,180 Churches Help World Relief Resettle Refugees at Record Rate
Highest total since 1999 comes as federal judges rule against state attempts to ban Syrian refugees.
The Church and the Huddled Masses
Throughout US history, the church has had a complicated relationship with the "homeless, tempest-tost" looking for a better life.
Why the Whole Church Needs Psalm 137, Violent Imagery and All
A protest song for Syrian refugees and suburban soccer moms.
Quick To ListenEpisode 27|36min
Refugees Aren’t Skittles. Should Their Religion Affect Their Entrance to the US?
More than 10,000 Syrians entered the US this year. Why are less than 150 of them Christian?
Grapes of Wrath: Refugees Face Steinbeck Scenario in Lebanon's Napa Valley
While US debates resettling 10,000 Syrians, a country smaller than Connecticut struggles with hosting 1.5 million.
D. L. Mayfield: ‘What If I Made Everything Worse?'
The writer and activist asks hard questions about her time living among refugees.
Eric Wowoh
Refugee’s startup funds affordable, effective schools for Liberia’s poor.
As SBC Backs Refugee Resettlement, World Relief Leader Resigns
Southern Baptists vote to encourage compassion, while Stephan Bauman reveals next move.
Can You Name All Ten Commandments? If Not, This (and 18 Other Questions) Could Get You Deported
Take this quiz of Christian trivia faced by converts from Islam seeking asylum in the UK.
Christians Rally to Keep World's Largest Refugee Camp Open
The country’s plans to close a 25-year-old camp would displace more than 300,000 East African refugees.
Christian Refugees in Germany Report High Levels of Religious Violence
Sharing resettlement centers with Muslims can be dangerous for Christian asylum-seekers, Open Doors reports.
Sweden Can't Deport Christian Convert Back to Iran (Yet)
Canada also stalled over Iranian Christian 'war criminal', while Czech Republic will deport 25 Iraqi Christians.
How Pakistani Christians Fleeing Persecution Get Tied Up in Thailand
Churches fall victim to their own successful welcome of Pakistani refugees.

Top Story June 29, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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