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Great Lessons From Bad History
Hagiography may not be factual biography, but it captures the practices and ideals of pre-modern Christianity perfectly.
Huguenots and the Wars of Religion: The Gallery - The Inner Circle
Huguenot intrigues swirled around a handful of key figures.
Huguenots and the Wars of Religion: Did You Know?
Interesting & unusual facts about the Huguenots—and their enemies.
The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Suspicious and scared, the king of France ordered a political assassination. Then the real killing began.
Order in the Church
Reforming doctrine was just the beginning of a vigorous campaign to restructure Christian life—at church, at home, and in each believer's heart.
Reformation on the Run
Lacking political protection or religious freedom, French Reformed thinkers forged a unique expression of faith.
Pleading the Cause of Christ
In the Prefatory Address to his Institutes, John Calvin defends both his doctrine and its battered believers.
Getting Serious About Sin
No misdeed went unpunished in Calvin's Geneva.
Forgotten Reformer
As obscure now as his tiny native village, Pierre Viret once captured the hearts of the Huguenots.
Escape from Babylon
As repression became a way of life in France, Huguenots faced three choices: convert, go underground, or risk everything to reach le Refuge.
The French Wars of Religion: Christian History Interview - A New War of Religion?
Pluralism and evangelicalism collide in contemporary France. A conversation with Sébastien Fath.
Slaughter, Mayhem, & Providence
How one of France's greatest poets made sense of the Huguenot tragedies.
To Build a Fire
Jan Hus hoped his incendiary preaching and heated rebukes would purify a tainted church, but the flames consumed him first.
The Reformation Connection
Hus shared ideas with Wyclif and Luther, yet they were not all of one mind.
Reformation Apocalypticism: Münster's Monster
What began as prophetic fervor ended in dictatorship and blood.

Top Story June 28, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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