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Pious humanist who sparked the Reformation
John Foxe
John Calvin
Father of the Reformed faith
Martin Luther
Passionate reformer
Signs of the Reformation's Success?
Reformation scholar Timothy George discusses Pope John Paul II's historical significance and this 'momentous' era of Catholic-evangelical dialogue.
Standing Alone for Unity
The attempt to bring European Christians together forced one reformer, Caspar Schwenckfeld, straight to the fringe.
Deep and Wide
A dive into Reformation imagery yields striking new insights, while a drive-by church history overview largely disappoints.
Eyewitness to a Massacre
The bloodbath that started on August 24, 1572, left thousands of corpses and dozens of disturbing questions.
What Luther Said
When Martin Luther stood up for his ideas at the Diet of Worms, did he really say, "Here I stand"?
"The Bible Alone"? Not for John Calvin!
When we seek answers to churchly and societal issues in the Bible alone, citing the Reformation principle of sola scriptura,we are actually contradicting the Reformers.
Reformation Reoriented
Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom evaluate the Catholic/evangelical detente in Is the Reformation Over?
Murder comes to the Archbishop
The Scottish Reformation began with the assassination of the highest church official in the land – Cardinal David Beaton, archbishop of St. Andrews. It was an act of revenge for Beaton’s execution of George Wishart. Here is one historian’s crisp descripti
A Sick Man’s Healthy Accomplishments
A look at five representative years of Luther’s life
Two Feathers from the Holy Spirit?
Luther couldn’t resist speaking out on indulgences one more time.
Even as a sick man, Martin Luther accomplished more than most healthy people.
Teaching a Calvinist to Dance
In Pentecostal worship, my Reformed theology finds its groove.
Positively Protestant
Lets uncover the original meaning of the word.
Four German Protestant Composers You Should Know Not Named Bach
Luther's example inspired Christian composers to fill the church with the finest music they could create.

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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