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No Room in the What?
Mary and Joseph weren't trying to check into a hotel—they were staying with relatives.
Blessed Are the Barren
The kingdom of God springs forth from the empty womb.
The Art of Forgiveness
Images of the Prodigal Son
From the Seminaries to the Pews
The 'new perspective on Paul' gets the popular treatment.
What Did Paul Really Mean?
'New perspective' scholars argue that we need, well, a new perspective on justification by faith.
The Transfiguration
Artists depict Jesus' meeting with Moses and Elijah.
Harry Potter 7 Is Matthew 6
The young wizard may not have read the Bible, but someone else certainly did.
Virtue That Counts
Why justification by faith alone is still our defining doctrine.
They Really Saw Him
Richard Bauckham argues that the Gospels are based on eyewitness testimony, not "anonymous community traditions." The key, he says, is in the names.
Images of Mission
Art and ministry in Picturing Christian Witness.
Revisiting a Non-Standard Scholar
Bruce Metzger devoted his life to helping us know early Christianity and its manuscripts better.
New Testament Scholar Bruce Metzger Dies at 93
Author, editor, and translator headed work on RSV, NRSV Bibles.
The Early Church on Jesus
Ben Witherington offers a potpourri of thoughts about early Christian belief.
An Upside-Down World
Distinguishing between home and mission field no longer makes sense.
A Tale of Five Herods
If you had five minutes with the President, what would you say?
What Is This Word?
The incomprehensible, intimate Christmas story.
The Nativity Story
The real achievement of 'The Nativity Story' is its portrayal of Joseph.
The Mary We Never Knew
Why the mother of Jesus was more revolutionary than we've been led to believe.
Christ's Story
A top-notch scholar drops academic language for a basic retelling of Jesus'

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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