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America the Brutal
How did we get to such a state of madness?
Networking for Peace
Judge Finds Evangelist Degrauded Heiress
Prominent Iranian Church Leaders Slain
Christians Blamed for Temple Arson
Hindu leaders are laying the blame for the arson of a Hindu temple in Fiji on Christian churches.
A Russian Call to Repentance
Alesksandr Solzhenitsyn returns from exile to point a way out of the Soviet quagmire.
Martyrs' Lost Plane Recovered in Ecuador
Healing Our Mean Streets
Viable solutions to violent crime emerge when people take the risk of personal involvement.
Francis's Troubled World
In that day, it took extreme measures to live for peace: a photo-essay.
How Could Christians Do This?
Why followers of the Prince of Peace waged war.
The Crusades: A Gallery of Martial Monks & Holy Kings
The great preachers, planners, and fighters of the Holy Land crusades.
Bloody Pilgrimage
As the crusaders assaulted Jerusalem, the holy and savage joined hands.
The Muslim Defense
Christians thought they had liberated Jerusalem from infidels. But what did Muslims think?
Women of the Cross
The devout, combative, and scandalous women who shared in the Crusades.
The Fighting Monks
In the new religious orders, Christians blended poverty, chastity, and military fervor.

Top Story June 27, 2024

In a Divided World, Practice Patient Persuasion
In a Divided World, Practice Patient Persuasion
A law professor shares lessons on respectful disagreement in the classroom, the church, and the wider culture.

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