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Did Martin Die Needlessly?
Gracia Burnham believes her husband would be alive today if someone had paid the proper ransom—but mission agencies wonder how many other missionaries would have been kidnapped as a result
Fending off Hindutva
"Christians blast Nazi-like survey, 'draconian' conversion law"
Threatened Aid Groups Retreat
"In a 'new and disturbing twist,' rebel forces target international agencies"
SARS Comes to Church
"The deadly illness has changed Asia's church life, but the uncertainty is bringing people to Christ"
Inside CT : Dogging the Story
Christian media can play a special role in cases like the kidnapping of the Burnhams
The Mother of All Liberties
Full religious freedom for Iraq is not negotiable
No Strings Attached
Christians seek to balance relief work and evangelism in Iraq
Apocalypse Again and Again
The Bible doesn't tell us when to go to war but how to live in a war-ridden world
Before the Refugee Dam Breaks
"Agencies prepare to help up to 900,000 people in Iraq War"
Mercy in Baghdad
North Americans endure bombing to chronicle the war's effects on civilians
Quotation Marks
Selections from Christian leaders during the Iraq War
Gracia Burnham: 'I Speak My Mind'
The former hostage talks openly about what she learned about God, her Muslim captors, and herself during her captivity.
A Middle Way in the Middle East
A third theological path through the Israeli-Palestinian thicket
Korea: Helping Refugees Run Roadblocks
"No nation wants North Koreans, but Christians rally to their cause"
Religious Cleansing
What you can do to help persecuted Christians in Indonesia
Why We Are in Iraq
"Michael Kelly, R.I.P"
"As Baghdad Falls, Agencies Brace for Flood of Work"
Aid and mine removal teams could move into Iraq within days
Kidnapped German Aid Official Released in India
Relief agency coalition staged numerous demonstrations calling for worker's freedom
Letter from Kabul
Religious freedom still in jeopardy under new Afghan government
Missionary Tales from the Iraqi Front
"The modern Anglican mission to Iraq met with initial success, but its story sounds a cautionary note"

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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