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Tough Justice in Texas
Living Next Door to the Death House is a valuable contribution to the capital punishment debate
'I Never Thought I'd See Anything Like that Again'
A famine worse than that of 1984 threatens Ethiopia
Marriage in the Dock
Massachusetts case on gay marriage could set off chain reaction.
Inheriting the Cracked Earth
Material poverty and spiritual riches in Brazil's parched Northeast
Brazil’s Christian Roots
"Since the 1600s, the number of protestants has risen to more than 27 million"
Uncle Sam's Prayer Stick
Educators can no longer afford to ignore federal guidelines on religion in schools
Civics for Gay Activists
We may see more die from HIV/AIDS because gay activists are intolerant
Faith and Fear on the Truman
How one Navy chaplain helps men and women face combat.
Abortion pill critic named to drug panel
David Hager appointed to committee despite criticism from prochoice camps
Christian parents flee public schools
Canadian high court orders school board to reconsider pro-gay books
Charitable-choice battle brewing
Jewish group sues over AmeriCorps support for religious groups
Are Most Arab Americans Christian?
The Detroit News reports that 75 percent of Arabs in the U.S. are Christian. Why is that?
Jerry Thacker: Politics Muddies Fight Against AIDS
The politics of homosexuality has made it easier to battle the disease in foreign countries than domestically, says a former nominee to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS
Despite Protestant Growth, Hispanic Catholicism Holds Steady in U.S.
Younger generations leaving for Protestant churches, but immigrants make up difference
Hispanic Swing Vote Potentially Volatile
But overwhelming support for School prayer, vouchers, and charitable choice didn't translate into support for Bush over Gore.
Hispanic Churches Primed to Be More Socially Active
Among study's findings: 74 percent of Latinos want their churches to aid undocumented immigrants, even when it would be illegal
Tallying Compassion
How much is a church's good work worth?
"PLUS: The Neighborhood's Last, Best Hope"
American congregations give more to society than they get from it
How to Rebuild a Country
Chet Thomas says it happens one village at a time
The Peoples are Here
Record immigration pushes Christians out of their comfort zone

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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