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The Africa Paradox—and how One Man is Working on it in Liberia
In the beautiful continent of Africa, food insecurity is still an ever-growing problem. Learn how the HDI program equipped a student with a desire to bring change and respond to God’s call to care for the earth.
선교지에서 백인통치는 어떻게 끝이 났는가?
서양 선교사들은 해외에서 자신들의 위치에서 투쟁하면서 인종 평등을 위해서도 싸웠다.
Eritrean Patriarch Abune Antonios Dies After 16 Years in Detention
Former Orthodox leader was long confined for resisting government requests to excommunicate thousands of members.
기독교에 대한 흑색 거짓말에 직면하고 있는 흑인 그리스도인들
도시 변증학자들은 어떻게 “흑인 의식” 운동이 조장하는 왜곡된 주장을 다루는가?
城市护教学如何与“黑人觉醒运动”(Black Conscious)所宣扬的扭曲观点相抗衡。
城市護教學如何與“黑人覺醒運動”(Black Conscious)所宣揚的扭曲觀點相抗衡。
Nigeria’s Newest Bible Translation Started with Missionary Lepers
After the gospel came to a small community in northeast Nigeria, two men on two different continents spent five decades translating Scripture into the Kamwe language.
Cristãos negros estão confrontando mentiras criadas por negros sobre o cristianismo
Como a apologética urbana luta contra distorções promovidas pelos movimentos de “consciência negra”.
Los cristianos de raza negra están cuestionando las mentiras negras acerca del cristianismo
Cómo la apologética urbana lucha contra las distorsiones promovidas por los «movimientos de la conciencia negra».
Conservation Group Tries One More Thing to Preserve an African Woodland: Prayer
A Rocha Kenya cites WhatsApp intercession group as key to saving habitat for owls, shrews, and other endangered creatures.
The Global Church in 2021: CT’s Top 20 International Articles
Our most-read stories from abroad, from Haiti to Nigeria to Hong Kong.
How White Rule Ended in Missions
Western missionaries championed racial equality abroad while struggling with it in their own ranks.
Black Christians Are Confronting Black Lies About Christianity
How urban apologetics contends against the distortions promoted by “Black Conscious” movements.
Coup Reversal Divides Sudan’s Christians
Controversial deal to bring back deposed prime minister turns many protesters against him. Sudanese believers debate if he did the best he could.
The Contentious Literary Family That Explains Global Anglicanism
How the dilemmas driving "The Brothers Karamazov" resemble those confronting the world’s third-largest Christian communion.
Ghana Churches Push Law to Combat Promotion of Homosexuality
Parliament is set to debate a controversial bill that would increase sentences for same-sex relationships and ban advocacy rights groups.
Jesus Loves the Brown Pop-Eyed Atewa Slippery Frog
In Ghana, the church is at the center of a bold new conservation effort.
Vaccine Campaign at Zimbabwe Churches Praises What’s Done in Secret
Christian health workers and pastors navigate stigma at Apostolic, evangelical, and Methodist congregations.

Top Story June 26, 2024

Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.

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