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Ur Video: Tim Keller on Hell
Jesus talks a lot about hell, so why don't we?
Ur Video: Piper on Hell
John Piper follows up with his passionate belief in hell.
Ur Video: NT Wright on Hell
The Bishop of Durham kicks off our new series on eternal damnation.
Waiting for God (or Joy to the World Part One)
String Theory and Heaven
Author Dinesh D'Souza says new scientific thinking bolsters the case for life after death.
Come, Lord Jesus
Oh, wait. He's already here.
The Loudest Cheers in Heaven
One day, God's invisible heroes will gain due respect.
The Empty Tomb and the Emptied Urn
What the wounds of Jesus can — and can't — tell us about our resurrection bodies.
Pastor vs. Oprah
How the Early Church Saw Heaven
The first Christians had very specific ideas about who they would meet in the afterlife.
Heaven Can't Wait
Olympic Snapshot
Imagine swords turned into plowshares, and soldiers into soccer players.
Heaven Is Not Our Home
The bodily resurrection is the good news of the gospel—and thus our social and political mandate.
Until We Meet Again
'Does the Bible teach that we will recognize our loved ones in heaven?'
The Art of Dying
The Gates of Hell
Shane Claiborne wants to tear down the walls that separate us.
Loving the Hell Out of People
Shane Claiborne on ministering to those trapped in hell on earth.
From Eternity to Here
Randy Alcorn says the afterlife is crucial to how we live this one.
Travel Writing from the Afterlife
If the Bible doesn't quench your curiosity on what it's like in heaven and hell, we have two new firsthand accounts.
Rumors of Heaven
Our perennial interest in life after death.

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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