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A Nation on Fire Needs the Flames of the Spirit
As racism tears the country apart, the message of Pentecost can help the church find its voice.
Asian Americans Call on the Church to Preach Against Coronavirus Racism
Hundreds of Christian leaders sign a landmark statement denouncing a spike in xenophobia.
Despite HHS Change, Christian Foster Agencies Still Fight LGBT Requirements
The new federal policy doesn’t stop legal battles on the state and local levels.
Half of Americans Say Evangelicals Are Discriminated Against
Pew: Amid growing awareness of discrimination, anti-Semitism has spiked the most.
Can We Handle the Truth About Racism and the Church?
Before racial reconciliation can happen, says Jemar Tisby, American believers need to reckon honestly with the sins of the past.
King’s Dream Succeeds If We Study the Bible
Cross-racial partnerships only have lasting power if they’re rooted in Scripture.
A Wall of Security or a Table of Fellowship?
Matthew Kaemingk makes a political and theological case for welcoming Muslim immigrants.
British Government Affirms Christmas at Work
New report details when workers' faith expression is protected and when it can get them fired.
Christian Teacher Fired for Not Divorcing Husband Wins in British Court
Judge: Her belief in the sanctity of marriage put her at a disadvantage.
I’m a Woman Who Got Kicked Out of Women’s Bathrooms
Our zealous policing of gender norms can have unintended and hurtful consequences.
Strike Ends After 27 Days, Christian Schools in Israel Reopen
Ministry of Education commits to $12.5 million funding increase for one year only.
School’s Still Out for Summer as Israeli Christians Protest ‘Death Strike’
Discriminatory state funding cuts lead 48 schools to stay shut. Leaders pledge: ‘We will not back off until we receive our full rights.’
Why Christian Education in Israel Could Vanish
Forty-eight Christian schools say unfair treatment by government may force them to close.
You Don’t Have to Say ‘Yo’ Around Me
How talking about racial bias helps us overcome our divisions.
Defending the Workplace Baby Bump
Pro-life and pro-choice groups unite as the Supreme Court considers pregnancy discrimination.
What Does It Mean to Be Black-ish?
How “exceptional” African Americans still bolster our stereotypes.
The History We’d Prefer to Forget
Why we pass on pain to the next generation.
The Heart of the Gendercide Problem
What the church can do to address the issues underlying global violence against women.
Will InterVarsity Losing Cal State Standoff Be Tipping Point for Campus Ministries Nationwide?
America’s largest university system withdraws recognition from 23 student groups for not allowing non-Christian leaders.
Israel’s Christian Schools Threaten Strike over Government's 'Oppressive Steps'
'Don’t stop us from carrying on our mission,' say 50 schools as Jewish state slashes support.

Top Story June 21, 2024

Corruption Is a Discipleship Problem
Corruption Is a Discipleship Problem
Six ways Christians often make the problem worse and five steps toward a solution

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