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Ossuary Questions Remain
Israel Antiquities Authority says brother of Jesus inscription is a forgery, but supporters say its report may be flawed
Did Martin Die Needlessly?
Gracia Burnham believes her husband would be alive today if someone had paid the proper ransom—but mission agencies wonder how many other missionaries would have been kidnapped as a result
James Ossuary Owner Revealed, Under Fire from Israeli Government
Last-minute electioneering, and other stories from online sources from around the world
In Guns We Trust
Fear and idolatry are our real gun problem.
‘Do You Believe in God?’
Columbine and the stirring of America’s soul.
Redeeming Sudan's Slaves
Americans are becoming instant abolitionists. But is the movement backfiring?
Birth of a Troubled Conscience
A Christian Science upbringing. A shameful wartime act.
Trained to Kill
A military expert on the psychology of killing explains how today's media condition kids to pull the trigger.
How much truth can We take?
South Africa's Christian experiment for finding healing from its violent past.
Did They Have to Die?
Forty years after five missionaries lost their lives in the Ecuadorian jungle, the killers explain what really happened.
Alabama Pastor's Murder Prompts Unity
Will Rwanda Be Rebuilt?
Showdown in Blackhawk County
Christian Children's Fund Probed
Missions Work in China Could Be Endangered
EDITORIAL: Uncle Sam Wants Your Tithes
Courts should keep creditors' hands out of the collection plate.
Hard-Core Porn Technology Hits Home
This summer's trial of Robert and Carleen Thomas was more than a routine bust of a dirtybooks distributor.
Urban Relocators Build Bridges

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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