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The Rich Heritage of Eastern Slavic Spirituality
Though practically unknown to most Westerners, the history of Orthodox spirituality among the Eastern Slavs of Ukraine and Russia is a deep treasure chest of spiritual exploration and discovery.
Women of the Early Church: A Gallery
A few of the many
Paula: A Portrait of 4th Century Piety
This close friend of the scholar Jerome, known for her scholarship and her extreme piety and generosity, was one of the most noteworthy people—women or men—in all the 4th-century church.
Bible Translation Today
Following in Tyndale's Amazing Footsteps
Money and the Bible
A Survey of the History of Biblical Interpretation on Money and Wealth
Clement of Alexandria: What Kind of Rich Person Can Be Saved?
A Paraphrase of Quis Dives Salvandus
From the Archives: Grace and Blessing
John Chrysostom (347–407)
Jimmy Carter in Two Worlds
Moving on Many Fronts
Preaching, social concern, missions, ecumenicity were among the major emphases of Pietism.
The Shepherd-Who is the True Pastor?
In a historic sermon preached on the third day of the second Zurich Disputation, Zwingli set forth his understanding of the ministry in a lengthy message that is timeless in the application. Excerpts from this sermon are found in the "From the Archives" section of this magazine. In this article Dr. Fritz Büsser discusses the central thrust of Zwingli's understanding of the nature of the ministry as aticulated in "The Shepherd" sermon.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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