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Scholars Aim to Bust Archaeological Fantasies
Peer review can take years—but academic society says some claims can be dismissed in a few blog posts.
Trial on Antiquities Fraud Ends, But Not the Controversy
Judge doesn't rule whether James ossuary is authentic, but acquits antiquities collectors on almost all charges.
Archaeology's Rebel: Bible in One Hand, Spade in the Other
Eilat Mazar is unafraid to claim archaeological finds of biblical proportions.
Archaeology in Turkey: Major Finds in Asia Minor
But researchers say Turkish government is shutting them out.
The Green Collection: Bibles and More
The "Passages" exhibition will travel to Atlanta, the Vatican, New York, and other cities.
No Adam, No Eve, No Gospel
The historical Adam debate won't be resolved tomorrow, so stay engaged.
Adam, Where Are You?
It's time for a difficult, grace-filled family meeting.
The Search for the Historical Adam
The center of the evolution debate has shifted from asking whether we came from earlier animals to whether we could have come from one man and one woman.
Scholars Doubtful About Metal Plate Documents' Authenticity
"More significant than the Dead Sea Scrolls"? It's very unlikely.
Pulling the 'Jesus Boat' from the Mud
Behind the sometimes heart-stopping recovery story.
Miracle Boat
The surreal, sometimes comical story behind the discovery of the Jesus Boat.
What an Ancient Hebrew Note Might Mean
Scholar says five lines of ancient script on a broken piece of pottery confirm Kingdom of Israel's existence in 10th century B.C. Others are cautious.
'Dead Sea Scrolls on Stone'
Prof says first-century tablet tells of messiah who will die and rise.
Finding God in a Box
Have archaeological discoveries like the James ossuary served or obscured the quest to verify the Bible?
Case of the Missing Relic
A piece of the true cross has been stolen in Toronto—but how did it get there in the first place?
Digging in China
Christianity has a long history in China, but much of it lies buried by time, dirt, and false assumptions.
Two Feathers from the Holy Spirit?
Luther couldn’t resist speaking out on indulgences one more time.
Finders of the Lost Ark?
Why some amateurs are stirring up dust and little else.
Q&A: Daniel B. Wallace
On his organization's ancient New Testament manuscript haul in Albania.
Looking Back
Claims to new Sodom locations are salted with controversy.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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