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The Soviet Union Celebrates 1000 Years of Christianity
Why, all of a sudden, would an officially atheistic confederation of republics like the USSR choose to celebrate, in full pomp and grandeur, a thousand years of Christianity on its soil?
Of Mass Baptisms, National Churches, and the Great Commission
Can a king-ordered mass baptism of his nation's citizens really bring about their genuine conversion to Christ? What are we to make of Christ's command to "make disciples of all nations"?
The Bible Translator Who Shook Henry VIII
What does it take to shake a king? Ask William Tyndale. Henry VIII was a very powerful king, but Tyndale shook him at least briefly—with a power even greater.
A Congressman Who Would Be President
"Even if I lost, I could still be a blessing to my party and my country."
Gospel or Government?
The National Association of Evangelicals walks a tightrope at its annual convention.
Christian Political Activist Launches a New Party
Can CHP bring Christian ethics to bear on Canada’s national political scene?
Modern Voices: The Christian and Money
Everybody's talking about money but few agree. What are they saying, and why?
U.S. Advisory Committee Cites Church’s Role in South African Reconciliation
A look at changes in public policy.
This Congressman Preaches in Church Every Sunday
Shortening the distance between the sacred and the profane.
Between Hus and Herrnhut
This article was a collaboration of Bernard Michel, and the editor, working from notes by Eve Bock and Josef Smolik, whose work appears elsewhere in this issue.
Falwell Backs Away from Politics
Another well-known conservative Christian appears to be backing away from the fray
Winning Isn’t Everything
How to Recognize a Christian Citizen
To try to improve society is not worldliness but love. To wash one’s hands of society is not love but worldliness.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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