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Christian Singer Shares Struggles with Pornography
Secret sin of Clay Crosse's youth reappears in midst of ministry
Baptist Foundation of America Lands in Bankruptcy Court
Troubled agency, accused of lawbreaking, offers restructuring plan.
Sudan: CSI Loses U.N. Status
Slave-freeing organization's rebel spokesman violated U.N. rules
Methodists: Creech stripped of clergy credentials
United Methodist minister guilty of breaking church law at gay ceremony
Southeastern Seminary student beaten robbed in Kenya
Family says not attacked because of Christianity, but it's the reason they're going back.
Senate Majority Leader Calls for Public Apology
Brouhaha over press secretary's 'hate crimes' comment continues
Y2K Scare Worth It Say Authors
Did precautions prepare churches for ministry?
Amazon.com Pulls Book Targeted as 'Kiddie Porn'
But critics say other pedophilia books are still offered
Nine Inch Nails Fans Southern Baptist Magazine Square Off
Negative review in HomeLife magazine spawns e-mail attack
Ministries Intensify As East Timorese Refugee Camps Grow
Evangelicals working furiously to meet physical and spiritual needs
Plans for Meeting Between Baptist Jewish Heads Called Off
SBC President says Jewish leaders 'simply wanted opportunity to bash Southern Baptists'
Homosexuality: Falwell Tames His Tongue
Moral Majority founder promises to tone down anti-gay speech at meeting with homosexuals.
Christians Protest Proposed Mosque
Christians Protest Proposed Mosque
Nazareth Churches shut down for two days in show of disapproval
Christians Protest Proposed Mosque
Nazareth Churches shut down for two days in show of disapproval
Africa: Can Christianity and Islam Coexist and Prosper?
Pro-Life Pharmacist Sues Kmart
Priest Killed for Illegal Conversions
Evangelicals Embrace Vegetarian Diet
House Upholds Display of Ten Commandments

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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