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Algeria Forces Christians Out of the Country’s Largest Churches
The North African faithful are holding sit-ins and prayer rallies to protest a government campaign that’s shut down a third of Protestant congregations.
National Association of Evangelicals’ New President Hopes to Bring Together a Movement in Crisis
Walter Kim, PCA pastor and former Park Street Church minister, becomes the first leader of color at the helm of the 77-year-old organization.
In Tennessee, One Christian College Breaks Enrollment Records, While Another Fights Declines
Bryan College and Trevecca Nazarene University navigate competitive higher ed landscape.
Ethiopia’s Evangelical Prime Minister Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Recognized for stewarding a breakthrough peace agreement with Eritrea with a “revivalist” spirit, Abiy Ahmed also helped end a historic church schism among the Orthodox.
Christians Killed on Syria’s Front Lines
While Trump defends US withdrawal, advocates fear “Turkey will complete the work that ISIS tried to do, in eradicating Christians from this region.”
Teacher’s Lawsuit Reflects Evangelical Educators’ Dilemma Over Transgender Pronouns
A fired French instructor says the school board’s policy didn’t allow for compromise.
Jordanian Evangelicals Push for Official Recognition
Government status would help streamline outreach and foreign partnerships—and alleviate some outside concerns about their churches.
Syrian Christians to US: ‘Don’t Abandon Us Now’
After surviving a civil war and ISIS attacks, the Christian minority fears a Turkish takeover in Kurdish border region.
SBC President: We Failed to Heed Victims’ Voices
At the recent Caring Well conference, J. D. Greear said the denomination mistakenly saw abuse claims as “attacks from adversaries instead of warnings from friends.”
Gordon College Receives Record $75.5 Million Donation
The anonymous gift—the largest for an evangelical liberal arts college—will dramatically increase student aid.
For Catholics and Protestants, Amazon Fires Fan Partisan Flames
Brazilian Christians divided over rainforest blazes and President Jair Bolsonaro’s response.
Judge: U of Iowa Officials Have to Pay for Repeated Discrimination Against Christian Groups
The recent ruling in favor of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship was the second time the court called out inconsistent policies on campus.
Gen Z Evangelicals Still Express Their Faith at School, But Few Others Pay Attention
Teenage “nones” are less likely to notice Bible-reading, prayer, or evangelistic outreach in public schools.
Died: Cain Hope Felder, Scholar Who Lifted Up the Black People in the Bible
His pioneering work showed Scripture is full of racial diversity.
Pastors Don’t Do It For The Money, But Having Enough to Retire Would Be Nice
Bless Your Pastor campaign raises awareness around the financial strains of ministry.
Evangelicals Trust Faith Leaders, Police More Than the General Public
Pew Research found the only leaders that evangelicals are more skeptical of are journalists.
The Prophetic Voice of Hong Kong’s Protesters
The political forces in the region also pose an existential threat to the church.
Missionary Deaths Mark End of Era
Ann Hill and Dan Coker were the vanguard of Churches of Christ missions to Latin America.
Evangelical Advocates Feel the Sting of More Trump Refugee Cuts
It’s the third consecutive year that the administration has reduced resettlement totals to record lows.
Duke-UNC Middle East Studies Center Flagged for Anti-Christian Bias
The Department of Education called out the program for sidelining non-Muslim faiths—but even Christians wonder whether the feds should oversee college curricula.

Top Story July 8, 2024

UK Evangelicals Look Ahead to Potential Changes After Labour Victory
UK Evangelicals Look Ahead to Potential Changes After Labour Victory
Survey finds that evangelical voters are motivated by care for those in need.

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