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Top 10 Lists
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Top 10 Lists
We're fans of compiling top ten lists around here. Maybe there's something here for you.
Idol Worship?
Christians continue to shine on American Idol even as Christian alternatives to the popular show crop up. Can they co-exist? Can both bring glory to God?
Fear Not the Compass
Many Christians are concerned about the upcoming release of The Golden Compass
What Would Jesus Buy?
With Christmas shopping right around the corner, this edgy new documentary merges "Christian" forms with an anti-consumerist message.
What I Learned from Wilberforce
With today's DVD release of Amazing Grace, one of the film's producers says the film's protagonist taught him much about how to change the world.
Puncturing Atheism
Fourfold God Squad brilliantly takes on Dawkins, Hitchens, & Co.
'Sculpting in Time'
Russian filmmaker sought to harrow the soul.
Supernatural Sagas of Good and Evil
The foolish things of Madeleine L'Engle.
Defining? Or Discerning?
When trying to define "Christian music," perhaps it's best to look beyond simple labels and look instead to individual discernment.
'The Man Who Saw the Angel'
Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky opposed any intellectual interpretation of his films, but they were rife with spiritual imagery and signs of his faith.
Pro-Life Cinema
Several recent films take a life-affirming view of unwanted pregnancies, as babies are carried to term and abortion is dismissed as an option. Could this be a trend?
Superman on the Screen: Counterfeit Myth?
Heroes have disappeared. They have been replaced by superheroes-fantasy creatures.
Looking for the Next Big Thing
A Christian publishing update.
Overheated Rhetoric
What should we make of bestselling books blasting Christians?
Moved into the Presence of God
Ruth Graham tells what book has influenced her the most.
A Better Storyteller
Donald Miller helps culturally conflicted evangelicals make peace with their faith.
Fundamentalism and Freedom
The Jehovah's Witnesses are more than a knock-knock joke.
The Real Secret of the Universe
Why we disdain feel-good spirituality but shouldn't.
The Passion of Peter Parker
Spider-Man is the alter ego of a very human—and fallible—teen who may not be messianic, but sure understands that there's power in weakness.

Top Story July 28, 2024

A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
Fifty years ago, the Lausanne Covenant’s solution to rampant division in evangelical ranks wasn’t uniformity.

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