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태국의 운명론: 우리의 행동의 결과가 우리의 인격을 결정하는가?
그 태도가 태국 안팎에서 어떻게 나타나는지에 대해
일본의 운명론: 미래에 대한 체념은 지혜의 징표인가?
그 태도가 일본의 교회 안팎에서 어떻게 나타나는지
Un poder hecho posible mediante el sacrificio
El mensaje del Domingo de Ramos sobre el asno, el león y el cordero.
Kekuatan yang Dimungkinkan Melalui Pengorbanan
Pesan Minggu Palma tentang keledai, singa, dan anak domba.
Todos los días de esta semana son santos
Los cristianos tienen muchas razones para celebrar desde el Domingo de Ramos hasta el Domingo de Resurrección.
Même en ligne, nous avons encore besoin de la pudeur.
Avec le développement des blogs et des réseaux sociaux, nous avons gagné un public. Mais nous avons surexposé nos âmes.
انقسام لصانعي السلام
حذرت هيئة مسيحية للمصالحة في إسرائيل وفلسطين من أن الحرب آتية. والآن الحرب تهدد جدواها.
How One Indonesian Church Is Fighting Food Insecurity
In the village of Kemadang, long dry spells threatened local farmers’ livelihoods until a church-led granary brought hope.
From Passion to the Pews, Major Conferences Inspire Local Worship
Arena events serve as the proving grounds for new music.
Why Character Doesn’t Matter Anymore
The “cheerful prudery” of Ned Flanders has given way to vulgarity, misogyny, and partisanship. What does this mean for our witness?
Des politiciens ou du peuple, qui entrave le plus la religion ? Une analyse de données mondiales.
Parmi 198 nations et territoires examinés par le Pew Research Center, 9 sur 10 discriminent les communautés de croyants. La Chine et le Nigeria obtiennent les pires résultats.
Petra: la Jordanie autorise les premières prières chrétiennes depuis 1 400 ans.
Une initiative de promotion du tourisme religieux dans l’antique cité rappelle Moab, Byzance, le christianisme tribal arabe et les spéculations sur le premier voyage missionnaire de Paul.
십자가 만으로 충분한가?
복음의 진리는 전체 내용을 전할 것을 요구한다.
Meu filho é uma pessoa com deficiência. Ele também é a imagem de Deus
Como pastor, tenho me debatido com as implicações teológicas da deficiência do meu filho.
الصوم لاجل ملكوت الله
كيف غيّر شهر رمضان فهمي للصيام والصلاة والصوم الاربعيني.
Valoriser le potentiel des églises de migrants en Europe
Un professeur de théologie venu de Sierra Leone explique comment les nouveaux arrivants africains transforment l’Église en Belgique et sur le reste du continent.
O Antigo Testamento prevê a crucificação. Mas e quanto à ressurreição?
Mesmo antes da vinda de Cristo, o “terceiro dia” é um refrão que percorre as Escrituras.
Must Social Service Providers Nix Their Faith to Receive Federal Funds?
Rather than follow the equal protections secured in Supreme Court decisions, the Biden administration opted for a complicated and soul-killing alternative.

Top Story July 29, 2024

Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises
Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises
Ayetoro was founded to be a city on a hill. Now it’s facing a watery apocalypse.

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