Speaking Out

Considering 'Curing' Down Syndrome with Caution
Why we shouldn't be too quick to think disabilities need correcting.
Strong on Zeal, Thin in Knowledge
Lessons from Haiti's arrest of American Christians trying to take children out of the country.
Was the Bush Faith-Based Initiative a Failure?
'In Jos We Are Coming Face to Face in Confrontation with Satan'
The Anglican Archbishop of Jos speaks out on last week's deadly attacks and the media coverage that followed.
The Truth About the Religious Violence in Jos, Nigeria
It's not easy to state who started it or how many died. But the horror for those affected is clear.
Catholics Come Home?
One of America's many "former Catholics," now an evangelical pastor, considers the latest New Evangelization initiative.
Why Organic Church Is Not Exactly a Movement
If the driving force of any movement or phenomenon is not Jesus Christ, we are building castles in the air. A response to "Long Live the Organic Church."
Long Live the Organic Church: A Response
We can live faithfully in the moment while attempting to transform society.
After the Wall
Reflections on 20 years of mission in Europe
Happy Rosh Hashanah, Christians
The 'Jewish New Year' is a day of judgment for all of creation.
Who's Afraid of Witches?
Among African Christians, too many of us are.
How the ELCA Left the Great Tradition for Liberal Protestantism
There is no authoritative biblical or theological guidance in the church. There are only many voices.
Who Is the Fellowship?
It's no theocratic cabal, say two participants in the Congressional Prayer Groups.
Dispatch from Lollapalooza
Market segmentation isn't what it used to be.
Remembering Hiroshima Rightly
Hiroshima is no reason to reject a nuclear weapons-free world.
The Heresy of 'Individualism'?
The 'individualism' we profess is not only not a heresy—it is at the heart of the gospel.
Why You Can't Just 'Love Your Neighbor'
According to Benedict XVI's new encyclical, trying to love people without knowing the truth about them leads to mere sentiment and will do them harm.
Pageant Preachers
Carrie Prejean isn't the only Christian contestant using the contest as a platform for her beliefs—or who has faced questions about compromising them.
Abortion Violence and American Democracy
The ironic relationship between the pro-life movement and its radical fringe.
The Gospel and the Gosselins
Evangelicals and the making of Jon & Kate Plus Eight.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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